A Bad Day Always Turn Brighter

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~Dominique's POV~

I woke up, still in the van. We had just stopped at a rest stop. I walked up to the front and everyone was sleeping. I peaked out the window and Roc was sitting on the sidewalk eating a honey bun and drinking chocolate milk. I grabbed my blanket, wrapped it around me, slid on my Adidas and climbed out the van. When i did that, Roc looked up at me and smile.

Dominique: hi *smiling*

Roc: we meet again. What's good.? *does head nod*

Dominique: I can't go to sleep. Plus I'm hungry and no.. i don't want your money.

Roc: no let me. And i know you don't want my money but I wanna pay.

Dominique: *sighs and laughs* alright i'll let you.

We walked to the vending machine and I asked for a pop tart pack with orange juice.

Dominique: thank you *kisses him on the cheek*

Roc: that's all you want.?

Dominique: *nods*

Roc: and you're welcome

~Ray's POV~

I saw my brother getting it on wit my sister. *laughs* that boy is a trip. But I can tell that he loves that girl with all his heart.

*stomach grumbles*

Ray: ahh my stomach..

Prince: mine too.

Ray: Prince I got a question

Prince: ask away.

Ray: did you like D.? As in go out wit her.?

Prince: I did... But imma let Roc have her. Cuz lord knows he love that girl wit every breath he got.

Ray: that's real nice of you.

Prod: so it was true.? Cuz you was acting kinda different now than back then.

Prince: they look cute together

Prod: I may sound gay but I agree.. Well imma go back to sleep.

Prince: me too *throwing his blanket over his head*

Ray: * already sleep*

~Roc's POV~

Spending time with Dom has been the most heart warming thing that has ever happened in my life. Imma ask her out...

Roc: so Dominique...I was wondering if we can get to know each other better. *getting closer*

~Dominique's POV~

Of course he has to be taller. Me being 17 and a merely 5'2" while him being 18 and a beautiful 5'10", he pushed me back into a wall to where nobody could see.

Dominique: mhm *kisses his lips*

Roc deepens the kiss by pulling me closer. All of a sudden, we saw a tall shadow beside us.

Dominique: *gasps* daddy

Roc: *jumps*

Dad: *shakes head* get in the van.

Me and Roc walked shamefully to the van. He sat in his seat and I sat where I slept. I know daddy is going to be upset with me... So I just sat back and stared out the window.

~Mr. Epps'/Dad's POV~

I think I need to have a talk with her. I drove from South Central, LA to Tempe, Arizona. After 3 hours, we arrived at another rest stop.

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