My Sentence Day

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Hey Everybody I'm pissed because I posted last night like almost near 1am and they said that it won't post due to sexual content but whatever so I'm starting this part over. let's begin!!


Today was the day of my sentence . While I was getting ready in this [picture in comment] I was told by Officer Ramirez that I had Judge Tarron Smith (played by Regina King from Friday and This Christmas). He said she's crazy when it comes to this type of sh*t . I hope she can lessen my sentence cuz the detectives said that I'm looking at 10-15 years in federal prison . Plus on top of that I'm pregnant .. Why me god why me.?!

Roc's POV:

I had just walked out the shower and my bro calls me.

Roc: yo what's good Alex .? How's my baby girl doing in there.?

I know y'all probably like what is he talking about. but I'm talking about Dominique cuz Alex is Alex RAMIREZ. meaning he's the offic-.... Man y'all know who I'm talking bout lol

Alex: she's good. her belly is starting to harden I can tell

Roc: damn man I can't wait to see her .

Alex: aye and guess who she got as her judge.?

Roc: nigga who.?!

Alex: ... Judge Smith...

Roc: ah shit .! Well I'll see you when I get there . aight... bye.

I started getting dressed putting on my Suit jacket when my phone started ringing again....

Nigga I'm from Bompton

That's why yo b*tch wanna f*ck and you homies don't like me cuz they know where I'm from {Bompton by YG}

Roc: hello

Ray, Prod, and Prince: yo we on three way.!

Roc: aye what's up.?

Ray: damn man ready to get up out this suit it's hot as hell out here.

Prod: I agree and Leah is pissing me off

Leah: *in the background* nigga f*ck you. cuz you know wtf you did and I'm pissing you the f*ck off like tf'

Prod: hold up y'all I'll call y'all back cuz i gotta handle this ass right now cuz she on my last nerve see y'all at court.

Boys except for Prod: aight man

Prince: yea but who does she have .?

Roc: Alex said Smith

Ray: why my last name tho.?!

Roc: shut up y'all but I gotta go I'm Tryna put my tie on.

Prince: oh talking bout that clip on man that's easy

Ray: lol man still using clip ons i see

I keep hearing beeping on the phone. I looked and it was Mr. T.

Roc: aye aye I gotta go and unlike you and Prince I have a tie and yes I do know how to tie it. Deuces niggas

I hung up and called Mr T back.

Mr. T: yo .!

Roc: hey Mr. T how you doing today sir.?

Mr. T.: good son what bout you.?

Roc: Tryna hang sir .

Mr. T: have you heard from my triflin' son Myles.? I tried to call but that lil' nigga ain't answerin'. he prolly ain't pay his f*cking phone bill. stupid ass.! but who does my baby girl have.?

Roc: Alex said Judge Smith

MR. T: damn well let me go try to call Myles again.

Roc: alright Mr. T see you soon

I hung up the phone and got ready. I was looking hella good and I grabbed my keys and got in the car on my way to court.

Dominique's POV:

I sit on the bench waiting for my time to go in. it was then my turn to go in. as I walked in I saw everybody Leah, prod, kiara, prince, ray, ebony, then Roc. I smiled alittle at him and then I kept looking down the row to Daddy and LaLa ... but no Myles and Marissa. well I know today is Wednesday and she's working an pregnant. but where's Myles.? I sat down in my chair and turned to look at everyone and I said:

Dominique: where's Myles.?

Ray: I haven't heard from him.

Then I turned back around just when Judge Smith smacked her gavel on the board . sentencing begins now...

Judge Smith=JS; Dominique= D

JS: okay court is now in session. Ms. Epps please stand up. and raise your right hand.

I did as told. I got tears in my eyes as she stares at me.

JS: do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you God.?

D: I do.

JS: okay you may be seated.

I sit down quietly.

JS: it says on your record that you have 3 counts of murder sentencing you to do a 5-10 years.

D: *looks down at my lap* yes ma'am

JS: and it also says that it was in self-defense.. so tell me what happened.?

D: he has made countless remarks and continuously beat me and on two encounters, I was almost killed by him but instead I was sent to the hospital quickly causing myself to have urgent care as soon as possible.

JS: and the infirmary says you're pregnant.? Is Latimore the child's father.?

D: yes ma'am it was based off of *looking down again* rape and incest.

JS: rape and incest huh Ms. Epps.?

D: yes ma'am *about to cry*

JS: well imma let you off easy because you're pregnant and it's self defense. so you'll spend 2 more months here. and we'll make sure that you're getting proper eating goods .

D: *lifts up my head* thank you. thank you so much.

I turned around and waved to my family while Officer Ramirez takes me to the back . yes two more months.

Mr.T's POV:

As me and Lauren were walking out I get a call from a mysterious number.

Mr. T: hello.?

Lady: is this Tauheed Epps.?

Mr. T: yes may I ask who callin'.?

Lady: this is the Cedars Mount Sinai Hospital ... We have some tragic news to tell you ...


Well guys how'd you like it .?

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