Feds Watching

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As soon as we pulled up, we saw cop cars. I put my head down while Roc rubbed my back. Then I take off my seatbelt and grabbed the handle. roc stopped me.

Roc: baby you don't have to do this

Dominique: I'm the one that killed him

Roc: but they don't know that baby

Dominique: *crying* I gotta do it

Roc: no you don't baby .!

Dominique: this is what I get baby I love you .

Roc: *watching Dominique get out of the car*

I got out of the car and walked towards the house. all of a sudden I see police ambushed me and jumped on top of me

Ray: *running towards me* get tf off her.! She's pregnant

Dad: what did she do .? She ain't do nothing wrong officer.! get off my daughter

Then my eyes closed.

*3 hrs later*

I woke up and I was in the infirmary [a hospital within a prison] . I already had my sweat pants and Adidas on [pic in comment] I looked around me and I see none of my family members. I felt myself panic but I kept holding onto it. I rubbed my stomach and I was feeling alittle nauseated which made me feel good because if I wasn't then I knew the baby was gone. Then I heard knocking and a officer walked in.

Officer Ramirez: Hola Dominique.. ¿cómo estás? (Hey Dominique, how are you?)

Dominique: bien graciás pero soy enfermo y necesito tomar medicina. (good thanks but I am sick and I need to take medicine.)

O.R.:: pues, ¿sabes por que tú estás aquí? (Well, do you know why you are here?)

Dominique: creo que estoy aquí por que yo maté mi ex-esposo Jacob. (I think that I am here because I killed my ex-husband Jacob.)

O.R.: así que, ¿puedes me decir qué pasa por favor? (So can you tell me what happened please?)

Dominique: yo maté a él porque Jacob me maltrató. Él me pegó y me pateó y a veces Jacob me pegó muy duro que yo perdí consciencia y yo paré aparecer en la urgencia *crying* (I killed him because Jacob abused me. He hit me and kicked me and sometimes Jacob hit me so hard that I lost consciousness and ended up in the Emergency Room.)

O.R.: Ay Ay Ay ... Dominique ... Has estado pasado muchos apuros. Puedo ayudarte . mi primo Javier Ramirez es un abogado y puede ayudarte. pero tenemos que ponerte en la celda para la noche (oh no ... Dominique ... you have been through a lot of hardships. I can help you. my cousin Javier Ramirez is a lawyer and he can help you. but I have to put you in a cell for the night)

I watched him put the hand cuffs on. and yea I know y'all are probably wondering how do I speak spanish so fluently... well it all started in the 3rd grade and then Kiara's dad taught me more. but anyways back to what's going on. he walked me to a holding cell and he kindly snuck some blankets and some pillows from the infirmary. the whole night I was thinking about my family and friends and Roc and my baby

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