Hell On Earth

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~Roc's POV~

Dominique is like a trending topic. In other words, she's her own person in a unique way. Her physique, the way she dress, the way she walk, the way she talk.. I love it. But now we're in the ER waiting for results and Myles is not taking it well. I went over to him and said...

Roc: I'm sorry Myles *puts hand on shoulder* I

Myles: *nods head* it's not your fault

Prince: but who could've wanted to do that to Dom.? I mean she is so beaut- (GCO)

I looked at him like was he crazy and he just smirked at me. Ray saw the look on my face so he walked over to Prince and pulled him away. Thanks for looking out Ray. Then we saw the doctor run out and Myles and Dom's dad run in.

Dad: what happened.? Myles.? What happened.?

Myles: dad.?! *runs and hugs him*

Dad: Myles what happened.?

Doctor: um sir are you the father of Dominique Epps.?

Dad: yes and that's her brother Myles and his friends.

Doctor: yes we need all of your help.!! She's has gone on a rampage.!

We all ran into the room and we see Dominique trying to get away from a doctor who is trying to give her a shot. Other doctors were trying to get her to calm down. I thought it was funny cuz she is so f*cking strong. Mr. Epps ran into the room and cornered her. We all ran in and closed the door.

Dominique: daddy.?

Dad: yea it's me baby. Daddy's right here.

Doctor: ma'am we're gonna have to give you a shot whether you like it or not...

Myles: Dom I know you're afraid of needles but you need to be strong for us. All of us.

Dominique tries to run out the door but we all grab her lay her on the table. To me, it was a horrible sight because I don't wanna see my baby... I mean... Oh what the h*ll, who am I kidding .? That is my baby and if prince wanna f*ck with her, he betta watch his head. So we finally strapped her to the table and the doctors talking bout "a shot" when they pull out 5 or 6 different needles. I was shocked and scared my d*mn self.

Prod: whoa that's a lot if needles.!

Ray: yea what happened to having only one.?

Prince and Roc: I was thinking the same thing...

Myles: you Tryna kill my sister.?

Doctor: no these are different meds and she needs to take all at once.

Dominique: I thought you said only one shot.?! Dad I can't do this *trying to get out of the table* I can't.!!!

Dad: *grabs chin* don't ever let me hear you say "I can't". Baby D I know you hate needles but *turns around and looks at the boys* does anybody have anything to bite onto.? Like a towel or a bandana or something.?

Roc: I have a bandana. *gives bandana to Mr. Epps*

Dad: baby girl, bite onto this.

Dominique: *nods head and looks at the Doctor* okay

Dad: here you go. I put two sponges in it so you won't hurt your teeth. *sticks it in mouth*

Doctor: alright we're going to do a countdown on all of them.. Okay here's the first one. Alright this one is going into her biggest w-(GCO)

Dad: hurry the f*ck up.!!

Doctor: okay 1..2..3 *sticks needle in*

Dominique: *screaming and crying*

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