Why Are You Following Me?!

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The next couple of days, scratch that, months I have been followed by this mysterious guy. I would walk to Millennium and I would see him pass in an SUV. I would get my water bottle to drink and he would be in that same window from the first day. When I had to walk home, there he was. But besides that, me and Myles birthday was great... Except he wasn't here.. *sigh*. After I finished dance class that, I said my goodbyes and went to change into a different outfit. I used some baby wipes to freshen up and then I changed into this:: (http://www.polyvore.com/dominique/set?id=83110513) . I then left the studio and it was 8:30 in the evening.

~Myles' POV~

I know I should call Dom to wish her a happy birthday but, I've been so busy with the guys. So I'm back in LA in the hotel room with the guys and we're settling down when the guys started impailing me with questions about?! Dominique..

Ray: so y'all are twins by an hour?

Myles: yep

Roc: what's her favorite color?

Myles: blue most of the time

Prince: so what she like?

Myles: she gets into trouble all the time. But she's nice, she's lazy, she can dress her ass off.

Prod: I saw that that day.

~Dominique's POV~

I was on my way back home when that same guy started following me. And this time he didn't stop. I started to speedwalk but that didn't help. He just got faster. I looked at the clock tower outside and it said 9:00pm. I full-fledged started running the other way. The way that never led to my house but a 5🌟 hotel called La Casa de Grande. I looked behind me and the guy was running towards me. The hotel was right across the street so I decided to make a run towards it.



Dominique: please somebody help me! PLEASE.?! *crying*

Guy: no one is out here so stfu.! No one is gonna help you.!

~Myles' POV~

So me and they guys were still talking about my sister when I heard::

???: somebody help me.!!!

Prod: shhhh y'all heard that.?

Ray: yea.. Who was that.?

Myles: it sounded like a- GCO


We peeked out the window and we saw a girl. I tried to get a good glimpse at her face but it was dark I couldn't see. I squinted my eyes when...

Keisha: aye ain't that yo sister.?! And why is that guy following her.?

We saw them running into an alley.

Roc: aye lets go.

We slid on our shoes and ran outside. Keisha followed behind us with a bat. Keisha be thuggin tho.. Anyways we ran into the alleyway and we saw her laying there. Blood was coming from her mouth and she was stabbed three times in the sides and cuts on her legs.

Myles: *hand over mouth* oh my god. D.?

Prince: well let's not just stand here come on!

We all ran up to her while Keisha called Walter, the cops, and the ambulance. We all sat in front of her to protect her and watch over her. Then she started to wake up.

Dominique: *scooting away from us* AHHHHHHHHHH


Dominique.?! Dominique.. It's me.! Myles.

Ray: and Ray

Roc: Hey beautiful Im Roc

Prince: Prince over here *waves*

Prod: what's up D.? Long time no see.

I looked at Myles for a second and automatically jumped into his arms, crying my eyes out. The others came and hugged me one at a time. But Roc hugged me for a long time. Then everything started to become blurry and they guys had more than one head. I felt my arms slid from around Roc's neck and droop beside me.

Roc: Dominique?!

Prince: what's happening.?

Last thing I heard were sirens, lights flashing, and the paramedic trying to talk to me.

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Thanks alot.! :-)

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