At the Hospital

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Ray's POV::

I watched the whole thing. and I knew who was in that car. And you shot my n*gga?! Why the f*ck would you do that?! Those were all I thought as we rode to the hospital.

--At The Hospital--

I walked in and saw everybody sitting in the waiting room. Dominique looked like she was gonna throw up any minute.. that's how bad her nerves was. she held the three kids near her. I looked over at Prince and Kiara and Kiara was hugging onto him. I looked at Prod and Leah together. I walked over to Ebony and she was looking as calm as ever. but I knew inside she wanted to explode. I was mostly looking at Dominique. I hope she isn't affected that much. Then the doctor came out.

Doctor Sanchez: August family!

We all got up and Dominique stood in front of us with the kids.

Dominique: *tearing up* so is he okay?

Doctor Sanchez: yes

Everybody takes a deep breath.

Doctor Sanchez: but he has minor injuries of course and he has memory loss.

Dominique: what.?!

Prod: for how long?!

Doctor Sanchez: some months. but in order to speed up the process, take him around a few things and get him used to what he would normally see.

Dominique: *sniffs*

Lily: Nani Dom... is he otay?

Dominique: *bending down to her level* yes but he won't remember anything for a couple of months.

Trio: awww man *putting head down*

The three walked up to Dominique and hugged her around her legs. she wiped her tears and that's when we all gave in. we walked towards Dominique and the Trio. we all hugged up on each other and tried our hardest to soothe Dominique.

Ray: so can we see him?

Doctor: yea .

We all started walking to his room. as soon as we walked in, we saw him watching TV.

Roc: Yo guys what's up Prod, Ray, Prince. and who is that?

Oh no....

Dominique's POV::

As soon as I heard that, I just broke down crying. Kiara pulled me into a hug and Ebony along with Leah wrapped their arms around me.

Ray: uhh Roc that's your girlfriend....

Roc: girlfriend.? I never had one. I'm sorry but I don't know what you talking 'bout!

Prod: Roc he's telling the truth. Dominique Ashton Epps... that girl right there... is your girlfriend.

Roc: and let me guess... those are my kids too?

Prod: no she babysits them. That's Lily, Lynn, and Lyle.

Roc: oh okay... and besides she's not my girlfriend because I was texting my earlier... see *showing the texts and the girl's pic*

Prince: wait... Desiree is not your girl! Dominique is.

I couldn't take it anymore. I just got up with the kids and left.

J-Lat: wait Dominique! Damn Roc!

Roc: what?! I already told you who my girlfriend is! so why are y'all so mad?

I went to the entrance of the hospital and pull out my iPhone. I decided to call Daddy.


Beep beep beep*

Damn Dad. I decided to take the bus. I grabbed the kids hands and walked across the street to the bus stop.

Dominique: okay you guys sit right here and when we get home i'll fix you some dinner, okay.?!

Trio: okay!

As soon as I look up, I see the bus coming. it finally stopped and We got on. we all sat down and Lily was getting sleepy so I laid her across my lap and the boys just leaned against me. by the way, we were the only ones on the bus. the bus driver looked up at us through her mirror and decided to speak.

BD: brothers and sister.?

Dominique: babysitting

BD: ahhh... what are y'all doing out this late.?

Dominique: my boyfriend was shot and we're just coming from the hospital.

BD: violence is not always the answer... well what is your street?

Dominique: 2304 AATW Lane.

BD: we're almost there.

We finally reached the street leading up to the house when the bus breaks down.

BD: awww sh*t!!

Dominique: well we can get off right here. it's just a few blocks. I hope your bus gets fixed in time. And nice talking to you Miss...

BD: oh call me Missy E. (A/N:: you know Missy Elliott right? if you don't look her up)

Dominique: Alright thanks Missy and I'll maybe see you around.

BD: oh and here's my number if you need someone to talk to or somewhere to stay. hopefully your boyfriend is alright.

Dominique: thanks bye

I picked up Lily and put her hood on and slipped my hood on too. the boys did the same thing. we all started walking towards home.

<15 minutes later>

The rain let up a little so it was drizzling. Lily woke up and so I let her walk with me. we reached home and as soon as we walked in, I let the dogs out to walk the yard while it wasn't raining hard. I stripped all of the children's wet clothes off and helped them with their bath.

Dominique: you guys stay right here imma get towels.

As soon as they were finished, I took them back downstairs to eat the already grilled food.

Dominique: and when you finish go lay down and watch tv.

Trio: otay.

I made my way upstairs to take a shower. I allowed the warm water to take my body away, as if I'm floating . after a good 15 minutes, I got out and dried off. as soon as I put my clothes on and went to eat. the children had already gone to bed. as I sat at the table, eating baked beans and two hotdogs, I heard the door opening. I grabbed my pistol from under the table and waited for whoever was trying to come in. the door opened wider... who in the h*ll is here.? I turned the lights out and put my phone on silent.. I was ready for war.

So Heyyyy. I know I haven't been writing but bare with me and tell me what you think. thanks so much!!!

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