Waking Up To See Different

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~Myles' POV~

After all that happened, they arrested my so-called mom and her new husband... How pathetic.! So now we gotta spend the night AGAIN at the hospital. All I know is that imma kill Brian for revenge of my twin. Of course the guys are still here with me. Now I'm on the phone with dad and yes he have some bad news...


-Myles: hey dad

-Dad: hey son um I got some bad news..

-Myles: what is it dad.?

-Dad: the day that I was supposed to get my paycheck... Well it was pushed back to next week. And I know we can't wait that long so we gonna get her out tonight.

-Myles: dad are you sure it's gonna work.?

-Dad: yea I did it with your grandma when she had a stroke.. God rest her soul. So I know for sure it's gonna work.

-Myles: iight dad if you say so

-Dad: *laughs* yes cuz I know so.. Well I'll see y'all later.

-Myles: iight bye

-Dad: bye

As soon as I got off the phone...

Prod: Ayee y'all know Keisha left the whip for us. And besides I'm hungry. So what we gonna eat.?

Prince: I feel you on that one. I think I want some White Castle.

Ray: or what about Jack-In-The-Box.?

Guys: *look at each other* White Castle.!!

Roc: yea that sounds good right about now.

Myles: yea I want the usual of two mini burgers with a medium fry and coke

Roc: same right here but with a small fry and a sprite

Ray: *typing it in his phone* iight I got y'all.. But we gotta go check on Dominique.

We all jogged toward her room and we all walked in. I saw her fast asleep, and this time no early awakening. She started moving but she just pulled the blanks all the way up to her neck and soon back to sleep. I kissed her on her forehead and whispered...

Myles: we'll be right back. Love you sis.

Then I heard...

Dominique: *raspy but whispering voice* I love you too. Where y'all going.?

Ray: to get something to eat *hugs her*

Prince: do you want anything.? *hugs her*

Dominique: no

Roc: are you sure.?

Myles: We're going to White Castle.. Well they are.

Dominique: I don't want to eat...

Prod: why not.?

Myles: i thought it was your favorite. And don't lie.

Dominique: *fell asleep*

Myles: just buy her what I'm getting. Cuz I know she gonna be hungry.

Roc: can I stay with her.? And y'all can go...?

The guys leaves...

Myles: yea that's fine.

About 10 minutes later, the guys are sneaking in with the food.. Tho we don't eat yet.

Myles: Dad is supposed to be coming up here in about 10 or 20 minutes so don't be alarmed. And he also gotta discuss something with us.. The-(GCO)

Dominique: plan...

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