Ebony?? / Coming Home

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-9 Months Later-

???'s POV: I just gave birth to my baby boy Tyson Cayenne Lopez. I gave him Ray's last name because my son needs to know who his daddy is. However, I have a new man now. His name is Khalil Underwood and I met him when I was 5 months pregnant with Ty. He was working at Foot Locker at the time.


I was in Foot Locker trying to look for Baby Jordan Spi'zikes and Baby Flight 97s. I found the perfect ones when I bumped into some guy.

???: uh... excuse you!! I was standing right here .

??: I'm sorry miss. I was just in a hurry cuz i'm about to be late. I'm so sorry. *turns around facing boss*

Boss: Khalil what took you so long??

Khalil huh? that's your name. I looked at the black, grey, and white baby jordan flight 97's and then i tried to be nosy and listen to their conversation.

Khalil: mr. Miller. I'm sorry I have to take care of my family. if you cut me off now, how will I feed my family? mr. miller please I need this ... please ??

Mr. miller: I'm sorry son but I can't keep you here any longer when you come late everyday. son I'm going to have-(GCO)

I watched Khalil knock over the stack of Adidas and Jordan shoe boxes off the table and stormed out of the store. I watched him while he eased his way to the food court. I decided to pay for my baby's shoes and go see what's up with Mr. Khalil . I checked out and walked over to the food court where he was just sitting talking on the phone.

Khalil: ma... I lost my job.... no.... I was late again..... I'm sorry mom.... I know you depended on me.... it's not alright now Keilly (pronounced Keely) and Kajein (pronounced Cajun) and me and you won't eat...... alright love you too bye mom.

I thought now was the time to make my move. I slowly walked up to the table and ....

???: uh is this seat taken??

Khalil: *looks up at me and scoffs while doing the Ray Ray shrug* nah but I'd rather you get out my way.

???: uh I'm sorry for making you late to your job. and I kinda overheard you on the phone while I was walking over here.

Khalil: yea so...

???: I was wondering if you need alittle help. I live in a 4 bedroom house and it's big enough for you to stay... And your family.

Khalil: what's a cutie like you putting a nigga like me in your house and in your face??

???: I just wanted to help... Besides I'm Ebony. *sticks out hand*

Khalil: no need for that

He then stands up and hugs me but very cautious of my baby bump.

Khalil: so where's his daddy??

Ebony: idk and how did you know I was having a boy??

Khalil: well you bought boys shoes and when I bumped into you, I saw some boy clothes in your hand.

Ebony: yea I'm just ready for him to come out *laughing* but at the same time I want my boy to be healthy.


And from that day on, we just stuck. his mom was kinda nerve racking at first but she slowly progressed. we have out days when we bump heads. like she keeps asking me about Ray when in reality she don't know the half of it! she don't even know 1/3 of it better yet

.0000000000001 % . Khalil always came with me to my doctor visits so he can see what Tyson looked like. sometimes at night, I cry because I wish Ray was here to see his baby. god I miss him.

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