Girls Meet Boys

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Dominique's POV::

When Roc passed out, I had to admit... I was scared as h*ll. but I had to be strong. like daddy always said, "If You Cryin' All The D*mn Time, How You Gon' Get Sh*t Done?!" Haha... my daddy.... Aw shit I'm gettin' off topic. anyways, while I was humming Roc's favorite song, I saw him move alittle. so I kept singing...

Dominique: *playing with his curls* Just Hold On We're Going Home.

He started moving again.

Dominique: *playing with his ear* Just Hold On We're Going Home

Roc: staaaawwwwwpppp guh.! *turning over*

Dominique: *playing with his cheek* Just Hold On We're Going Home.

Roc: *sits up too quick* Didn't I Say St-Ahhhhh *lays back down*

Dominique: see now lay back down *pulling him back down*

Ray's POV::

I wanted to see what's going on in there cuz it sound like they were get-get-gettin' it up in there. I gently placed my ear against the door.

Dominique: see now lay back down

Ray: oh sh*t....

Then Prince loud ass had to come over here and ruin it. well at least try to. but that Afro-Headed Mitch (a/n:: if you watch Real Husbands of Hollywood, you would know what I'm talking about lol... continurrrrr)will never mess this up.. sh*t I wonder if D gots some friends...

Prince: yo what you doin'

Ray: shhhhhhhhh.... D*mn.!! *whispering* shut the f*ck up. I think they gettin it in her room. but I can't hear with you d*mn mouth open.!! so shut up.!

Prince: well excuse the h*ll outta me.! *whispering loudly* well what they doing now.?!

Ray: ohhhhh.... Come here .come here.

Dominique's POV::

I knew who that was at the door so I decided to give a little entertainment.

Dominique: you hear that.?

Roc: oh I heard that... let's do something. Ready.?

Dominique: yea *laughing quietly*

Roc: *clears throat loudly and speaking loud enough to where they can hear* ohhhhhh Dominique *moaning*

Dominique: mhmmmm yes

Dominique: *whispering to Roc* let's bounce on the bed.

Roc: *laughing silently an standing up* who's p*ssy is this.?! *jumping and laughing*

Dominique: ahhhh it's all yours baby. it's all yours.! *jumping*

Prince's POV::

As soon as me and Ray finished talking, I hear moaning and Roc talking.

Prince: *whispering* oh shit

I kept hearing bouncing and then......

The door swings wide open causing me and Ray falling.

Dominique: what and the h*ll are y'all doing.?! ray.!

Ray: *shifting eyes*

Dominique: prince.?!

Prince: *shaking his head and pointing at Ray*

Dominique: ugh.! anyways... I got some news. some of my-(GCO)

Prod: D... did you invite friends over.?

Dominique: no... *running to the door*

When I got to the door, I could not believe my eyes. it was my friends and they were dressed in this [in comments] (a/n:: if you guessed that, you are some lucky bisshhhhessss lol.. Please Excuse My French)

Dominique: *screams* OMG.!!!!!!!

The boys all come running downstairs with bats and guns.

J-Lat: what happened.?!

Dominique: aye mamí.!!!! *screams and hugging onto Ebony, Leah, and Kiara*

Ray: uh Dominique who are your friends.? *grinning*

Dominique: guys meet girls... girls meet guys.

Ray: hey I'm Ray and-(GCO)

Ebony: OMG.! I love you so much. hi I'm Ebony. nice to finally meet you. *sticks out hand*

Ray: awww come here you *pulls her into a hug*

~Ebby's Thoughts:: Ray smells so good *sniffing him* just the right Axe.

~Ray's Thoughts:: she smells and feels like a delicate rose ready to bl-... Oh what the h*ll she bad as f*ck. she need me in her life.

Dominique: next up... Prod this is Leah. Leah... Prod.

Leah: hoemygod... Prod you look so good in person... well not saying that you don't look good on tv but I-(GCO)

Prod: shhhhhh *puts his finger to her lip* it's alright baby.. just rock with me. so tell me about yourself....

~LeLe'sThoughts:: Leah why are you acting like this.?! you should try to get him to be wrapped around your finger then you can have anything.

~Prod's Thoughts:: I think Leah is the right one for me, but I just think something is wrong with this picture.

Dominique: last but not least Kiara this is-(GCO)

Kiara: Princeton aka Prince. Ermigod how are you.?! I know I may sound too loud... omg.!

Prince: calm down chica. I got you. let's take a walk.

-Kiara's Thoughts:: I can't believe I'm talking to THE Princeton from Mindless Behavior... He is very cute

-Prince's Thoughts:: wow.. she is a fan of MB and of course me but she doesn't show off like Leah did. she's laxin' (a/n:: laxin' is relaxing but lax is an actual word which I thought it wasn't lol... Silly me)

Everyone started leaving while me and Roc just watched.

Roc: well let's go do something real quick. *smirking*

Dominique: like what.? *seductive tone*

Roc: ion know... you tell me... *pulling her closer to him*

Dominique:ummm *looks down at his package and then back at him* a cookout at the park. all of us. I'll go ask daddy. Yo everybody lets go to daddy's job real quick. m

I ran upstairs to tell Myles the news and he said he was down. i then ran to my room to change into this: [in comments]. the boys were also changed into this. We all hop into dad's Hummer XL and drive to his job. of course y'all know he's a drug lord . and a head drug lord at that. so as we walked to the door of the warehouse, the security guard, Mr. Luke, stepped in front of me.

Mr. Luke: um ma'am where do you think you're going.?!

Dominique: come on Uncle Luke... you know who I am. how old are you.? just now hitting 37.? and the first thing that goes is mind.? what happened old man.?

Mr. Luke: yo Baby D is that you.? D*mn girl you have grown since last time I saw you... how old are you now.?

Dominique: 17 going on 18.

Mr. Luke: and where yo big headed a*s brother at.?!

Myles: uh I'm right here Uncle Luke. you forgetting about me already.?

Oh yea I forgot to fill you in on some things. see while momma would be gone and daddy would be doing his thug thizzle... Mr. Luke, his bodyguard, let us crash at his house *clears throat* excuse me... his mansion with a lot of rooms and bathrooms just like ours. Uncle Luke is a m.u.t.t. which stands for Mixed Up & Too Tall. See Uncle Luke is too tall for his age. he's 7'3" and the age of 37 and he's mixed up because he is mixed with all kinds of sh*t. he was like a second daddy to me an Myles although we call him Uncle. Uncle Luke has 3 sons but they're the same age (all 4 years old; triplets) and they have that n*gga hair, meaning nappy, curly, but of course you wouldn't know what they're mixed up with. I think it's Samoan or Thai. but anyways while we're still talking...

Uncle Luke: uh who are these people.?

Dominique: these people are my friends and that's Roc my boyfriend, ray, prod, ebony, leah, prince, Kiara and of course you know us both.

Uncle Luke: oh well excuse me ... nice to meet yall.

EB except me and Myles: you too.

Dominique: and don't forget to tell my 3 little musketeers I said poon poon, boom boom.

Uncle Luke: iight ma. and oh yea can you take them for two weeks starting tomorrow.?!

Dominique: *gasps* sure I would love to.

Uncle Luke: iight iight. *daps me*

Then here comes daddy.

Dominique: hey Daddy.

Dad: did you not look at your surroundings to see if someone was looking to make sure that they-(GCO)

Dominique & Myles: that they don't know your hiding place we know.

Dad: iight hurry up and get in here.

We all ran in and then Dad stopped us...

Dominique: what.?

Dad: who is he.? *pointing at J-Lat*

Dominique: he wants to help out-(GCO)

Dad: help out for what.?! We already got five of them do we want one more.?! might as well.

Dominique: *takes a deep breath before speaking* dad he wants to help out because they set him up too.

Dad: iight look he can stay but he has to take Roc's room and then Roc can stay in the room with you. and look here, if you do anything.... whatever the h*ll yo name is... I swear you will not see another millisecond do you understand that.? comprende.?!

J-Lat: *looking scared* y-y-yes sir.

Dad: *smiles* iight and welcome to HWK.

J-Lat: thank you sir. *nods*

Dad: anyways hey girls.

Girls: hey Mr. T.

Dad: what y'all want.?

Dominique: daddy we want to do something so bad cuz school is out and about to start and we wanna spend time with each other. *Sitting on his lap* so can we have a cookout before school starts back. at the park. Please please please.?

Dad: iight but I'm holding y'all accountable for it.

Dominique: thank you daddy *kisses cheek*

Myles: aye dad can I get some more music stuff cuz I'm running out of storage.

Dad: you got it what you want D.?

Dominique: nothing really. just to get in the studio. And record some stuff.

Ebony: yo remember in Elementary we used to make up random stuff and sing it for show and tell.?

Kiara: yo that was some real sh*t right there.

Dominique: yea frfr. But we gotta go. have a great day daddy.

Dad: alright baby see you later

Myles: bye dad.

Dad: bye young soldier

E/B except Myles & Dominique: bye Mr. T.

Dad: bye yall.

As soon as we walked out I saw all of my babies. Lily, Lyle, and Lynn (2 boys and 1 girl).... Luke's seedlings. they're all so chubby looking. Lily ran into me first.

Lily: Auntie Domino.!

Dominique: *grabs her and pick her up* Lily Bean.

Lyle: Myles.... aye Myles .!

Myles: *picks him up* yo lil Ly. what's up.?

Dominique: where's Lynn.? *looking around*

Lily: Lynn sweep (sleep)

Dominique: come on let's go see him. *puts Lily down and holds her hand* come on guys.

We walked to Uncle Luke's truck and i found a sleeping Lynn in his car seat still sleeping with his bottle. I started to unbuckle him . I slid him out and held him resting his head on my shoulder, I looked up and saw everyone looking at me.

Dominique: what.?

Kiara: you look so cute with a baby. holding him like that. awwww

Roc: maybe one day. maybe one day.

Then as I adjusted him in my arms, he starts to wake up. I didn't notice until he started playing with my hair. and it was the right way too. like a soft rub and tug. I looked down and saw him smiling.

Dominique: good morning Lynn.

Lynn: morning Domino.

Dominique: okay guys I want y'all to me my friends. Okay this Roc. say it with me Roc.

They repeated.

Dominique: this is Leah

They repeated

Dominique: Ray and Prince

They repeated

Dominique: Ebony and Kiara

They repeated

Dominique: and Prod and J

They repeated. uncle Luke came walking over.

Uncle: you gotta take them today. cuz you know what's going down.

Dominique: okay well I'm glad. do they have clothes, shoes, toothbrush and toothpaste, games, etc.?

Uncle: yep it's all in that suitcase back there. And here's alittle something

I watch him give me a small carry on bag filled with money.

Dominique: awww really.. you didn't have too.!

Uncle: let me.

Dominique: thanks again. alright come on guys let's say bye.

Trio: bye daddy I love you

Uncle: bye my three amigos. three musketeers. trio.

We all went to my can and left back to my house. now to prepare for the cookout.


Okay now that the girls have came in, how do y'all feel about that.? let me no down at the bottom. thanks for reading

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