Blue Eyes

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   Furiously stomping down the hall to the waiting room, I throw open the door already calling dad's number. It rings until the voicemail picks up, I hang up, calling again it rings twice before voicemail clicks on. 

  What the fuck did he just send me to voicemail! His son is fucking wrecked, our mother just died, and he sends me to fucking voicemail!

   Pure rage explodes from me, as I launch my phone clean across the room. It shatters into about twenty pieces when it collides with the wall. I'm shaking so bad that my legs won't carry me much longer. I slump to the floor, hiding behind my knees.

 "I think you dropped your phone" the deep voice is so close that I jump.

  A deranged noise leaves my mouth before I say as sarcastically as I can manage "yeah no shit Sherlock."

  When a light thud lands next to me, curiosity forces a glance from behind my knees. He is a tall skinny dude with wild black hair jutting out all over the place and hypnotising ocean blue eyes, he can't be any older than thirteen. He flashes me a crooked smile, "there she is. I am Thomas and you are?" It takes me a moment to notice He is speaking English to me, fluent English. What is the chances of two of us being in this hospital at the same time.

  I extend my hand to him and Thomas takes it shaking vigorously "Anna, who did you offend in a past life to be here at this magical time of night?"

  "I definitely slighted a witch, I must have died before she could get to me so it's being exacted now." For the first time in weeks I laugh, it is wild and unhinged but still feels good to do it after so long. "What about you?"

  "This is some god level shit... Norse gods probably. We are absolutely being punished by them."

"Ah yes that Loki will get Ya" Thomas grins laying back on the floor placing his hands behind his head and even although we are in a hospital, I can't really believe it's all that hygienic.

  Guilt hits me like a train. Mum just died, Alex is a mess, I shouldn't be laughing, how awful am I. My eyes fill again, Thomas sits up again concern plastered across his face. "Why are you here Anna? Where is your family?"

   His questions just make me cry so hard that my body shakes with the force. "Mum is dead... my brother is practically joining her, and my fucking dad has abandoned us!"

  Horror fills his face as he whispers "shit!... Is your brother the screamer?"

  Suddenly violent rage fills me how dare he speak about Alex like that. Jumping to my feet, stunning him. "Alex was with our mum when she died so yes he is a bit fucking traumatised" I yell at him.

  Thomas cuts me off springing to his feet "sorry, I was listening to the nurses this morning and they were talking about moving him to the mental health ward... I didn't mean any offence. I'm so sorry Anna I should never have said anything" His voice is so full of remorse its impossible remain angry at him.

  Knowing that is how the nurses are talking about Alex knocks me back to my knees they hit the floor with a dull thud but I barely feel it. Thomas instantly engulfs me in a hug, I cling to him frantically as sorrow consumes me entirely. The harder I cry the tighter he holds me.

  "I can't believe they are saying that about him" whimpering into Thomas' shoulder

  "That nurse with the black hair is a cold hard bitch, she would put my mother to shame and that is an almost impossible feat." He speaks so matter of fact that I am already terrified of his mother and this nurse that I can't even recall being in our room.

  "Wait, if you can understand them does that mean you can speak the language well?" I plead desperately.

  "Yeah, lived here until I was six then have spent almost every weekend here since"

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