Rescue Mission

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   Next time I open my eyes, confusion is my first thought. I'm back in bed but my last memory was listening to Alex and Edward cry from outside the living room.

   Shit must have passed out and was caught. At least Alex didn't burrito me like last time so it doesn't feel like I'm melting into a puddle.

   Numbly I change fresh clothes to thud down the stairs. Entering Edwards Living room I'm met with Alex sitting across the room from me. He is in his usual armchair, laptop on his rattling thighs while his foot relentlessly taps against the floor. 

  He is rubbing his temples, it's clear from here he hasn't slept a wink last night. "Morning bro, what you up to?" Faking joy is a struggle.

  Alex's gaze swings to me, fucking hell his right eye is swollen shut, bruising covers half his face. Exhaustion practically radiates from him.

  "Hey Anna, nothing important." Alex physically cringes, returning to massaging his head.

  I slip behind his chair, catching the job site on his laptop, guess he was serious about not going to uni. That fills me with equal parts relief and concern. Swiping the remote off the TV stand I flop down on the couch. "Are you OK?"

  "Just a headache" he mumbles before closing the laptop getting to his feet.

  Edward wanders in looking just as crap as the rest of us. "Ah! Good you're both up. I want you to make a list of anything you want from your old house, I will get it for you." His usual jolly tone  clearly strained.

  Alex shakes his head once, quietly saying "just mum's record player and vinyl's please." He starts walking toward the door, Edward and I share a panicked look trailing after him.

  "Where are you going son"

   He let's out a long exasperated breath  "just going for a walk, I need to clear my head."

  "Wait until we've had breakfast, I can join you" the fear creeping into Edwards voice gains a sigh from Alex.

  He spins around to us so quick that we both jump, "stop worrying. I'm not going to throw myself off a bridge." Alex laser focuses on me and adds, "I made you a promise. I won't break it."

  With that he stops from the room, opening the door, stepping out into the cool morning sunlight. I shout "put on a jacket" but he ignores me. 

  Once he is gone Edward turns to me with confusion, "I made him promise to live for me at the hospital, if he made it through last night I  need to have faith that he'll make it through today."

  Edward shuffles into the kitchen behind me. The kettle is switched on, so I follow him. Edward potters around sorting us tea, it seems like he needs some time to sort through his head. I sit at the table waiting for the inevitable questions.

  A cup is placed in my hands as Edward takes the seat next to me. "You gave us quite the fright last night Anna." he doesn't elaborate further but I can only imagine how they felt finding me passed out on the floor like that.

  "Yeah, I'm sorry, I was just..."

  "Eavesdropping," Edward finishes for me.

   I nod, "Is he really not going to Uni anymore?" taking a sip of the chamomile tea, almost moaning when is soothes my raw throat.

  "Yes, he seems hellbent on staying here with you. If I'm honest  he isn't a good mental place right now to cope with the pressures of university."

  "Alex was doing better the past few weeks, dad had to just go fuck it all up" gripping my cup with such force that I'm surprised that it doesn't shatter. "I will never forgive him for this." I'm livid and don't care to hide it.

  "Unfortunately, if last night is any indication of what is going on in his head, I'd say everything we have seen recently has been a carefully constructed act." Tears ring Edward's eyes, suddenly I'm glad I passed out before whatever happened later.

   Not really having anything constructive to say I simply mutter "shit."

  "Yes, shit indeed." We drink the rest of our tea in silence, while Edward gets ready for his rescue mission. I make a list of everything I want from the house.

1. Table in the foyer.

2 Mum's pink striped jumper

3 Picture of the three of us above the fireplace

  Racking my brain for anything else that we should have from the house but since Alex has asked for her records nothing else seems to be jumping to my mind.

  When Alex doesn't return after half an hour, I go on the hunt for my phone to track him. Eventually finding it under the passenger's seat in Alex's car with a dead battery.

  It's not until I plug it in that I remember talking to Thomas yesterday. Oh, fuck he is probably worried sick.

  The second the stupid thing flashes back to life it instantly starts pinging, each missed text makes me feel worse. When it finally settles, I quickly pull up Alex's location he is walking by the canal so he will be gone for at least another hour.

  With the knowledge that he is fine I can focus on my current problem, scrolling back through the over fifty messages, it feels like I'm witnessing someone's decent into madness. What starts off normal quickly becomes panicked, judging by the time stamps he has been up all night.

  My stomach sinks, his last message half an hour ago was telling me how much he cares for me and hopes to hear my voice soon.

  Tears rocket to my eyes as I hit the call button. "Hi." It's all I can say without going into complete meltdown mode.

  Thomas let's out a huge sigh, "you have no idea how fucking relieved I am right now, I was about ten minutes away from calling to police to find you." His voice cracks, along with my heart. "Was so damn worried about you."

  "I'm so sorry Thomas, I fell asleep and left my phone in the car, you don't need to worry about me. I'm fine." The irony of my claiming to be fine while sobbing down the phone at him is not lost on me.

  "It's alright don't worry about it, I'm just glad you alive but can you please not lie to me. If you feel crap, just be honest with me." He is so sincere that it's impossible to keep my pain over everything contained.

  "Why doesn't dad love us," it is only a whisper by the time it passes my lips but thankfully makes it to Thomas.

 "For one your dad is a complete fucking moron for not seeing how amazing you are and second family isn't always blood. Family is the people in your life that love and care for you, like Edward." he hesitates then adds "and me." 

   The warmth of his words envelops me like a blanket, spreading inward cocooning my damaged heart, easing it back to life.

  "Oh, Thomas how do you always know the right thing to say, thank you, thank you so much. You are such a brilliant friend. I care about you too but my throat is on fire, can we continue this conversation through text please."

  A low chuckle finds me through the phone, "of course Anna, it has been nice to talk to you again."

  "Thank you, Thomas, I've missed you." I click off the call before I have the chance to say anything else mortifying. My face burns with embarrassment it had only been two days since he had last messaged me, definitely not in the missing someone territory. 

  Especially when I have only known that someone for a month and that someone also has a damn girlfriend. He is probably regretting getting back in contact with my clingy ass, all I can hope is that due to recent circumstances he cuts me some slack.

  I'm drowning in my embarrassment when my phone pings.

  Thomas: I've missed you too.  

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