Fresh Start

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  We are heading up to my room when Thomas casually says, "he has nothing to worry about, I have a girlfriend."

  My chest tightens, stopping dead I mutter "girlfriend?"

  "Yip we have been together since the start of the year."

  A bitter taste fills my mouth as my appetite dissipates, "what are you doing spending your whole weekend here? Shouldn't you be with her instead" I sound like a jealous bitch, but the words slip from my lips before I can stop them.

 "Sofia's family are from Sicily, she isn't back until next week" confusion coats his face making it painfully obvious that he never even considered us as anything more than friends and I'm acting like I own him.

  "Ah, cool... she won't be worried that you are staying here?" I walk on ahead of him to hide my mortification.

  Thomas laughs loud, "nope, her dad is terrifying enough that only an idiot would cheat on her."

  I internalise my sigh, just because Thomas was nice to me doesn't mean anything I'm sure when his girlfriend arrives back next week he will probably disappear from my life just as quickly as he appeared. I might as well put him to good use today since it will most likely be the last time I see him.

  Trying not to sound too bitter I say "Lucky her, c'mon let's get my hair sorted before we paper."

  My whole life I have had long hair like mum but standing before the mirror with my hair in pigtails waiting for it to be cut to my shoulders I'm strangely unattached to it. When I decided to chop it I assumed that it would be an emotional event but instead I'm feeling excited ready for a fresh start.

  Thomas agonises over the tutorial for the third time terrified he is going to cut it squint. His worried look is kind of cute. "Oh my God! Thomas, will you hurry up and cut my hair or do I need to do it myself."

 He scowls at me and asks for the twentieth time, "are you sure?"

  I roll my eyes explaining "it is going to charity, also hair grows back can you please stop worrying and cut my damn hair."

  Thomas chuckles picking up the scissors, "yeah you could easily make two wigs out of all this" he runs his fingers through my hair and making me really, really want to kiss him.

  In five short cuts one of the pigtails are gone, head already feeling lighter, my morning routine is about to become at least an hour less. Thomas assesses my reaction before continuing to remove the other bunch of hair.

Once the bulk of it is gone, I resist the urge to shake out my new short locks while Thomas levels it off. The tip of his tongue sticks out when he concentrates it is precious and I can't help but smile, damn his girlfriend is a lucky bitch.

  When he is finally satisfied, I shake it out with a grin, "thank you! I love it!" I want to hug him but think better of it now I'm aware that he is taken.

  "Don't thank my yet, we still have the dye to do" the apprehension in his voice makes me laugh.

  After hours of bleaching and toning we finally get me to the lightest blonde box dye can achieve. My natural curls take an extra inch off the length, I'm in love with it, totally should have done this years ago. 

  I'm unable to stop staring at it, Thomas has done such a beautiful job my arms are thrown around his neck before my conscience can get involved, he doesn't even hesitate to reciprocate as my chest heats at the action.

  I want to go show Alex right away but he will need time to sort out his head after the nightmare. Instead Thomas and I put on Footloose, both falling asleep long before the end.

  The next day when we say goodbye it feels final. I guess it was good while it lasted. At least I have my hair as a wonderful reminder of the guy who helped me get my brother back.

  Entering our house, I follow the stench of cleaning products, my heart deflated and in need of a hug. Alex has emptied the fancy dishes –that never get used- from the cupboard and is scrubbing inside like it's the filthiest thing he has ever seen.

  "Alex can I have a cuddle please" It is a struggle to put any joy into my voice.

  His eyes fly to mine panic flaring in his face, "did he hurt you?"

  " nothing happened Thomas has a girlfriend, so I don't think we will see each other anymore" Alex climbs to his feet, encasing me into his arms.

  I don't cry, the only thing I needed was one of my brothers amazing hugs to help power me forward. After a few moments I can feel my hair being moved, pulling back to make sure he can get a good view of it. "When did you do this?" Alex still holds a few strands of my freshly shortened hair.

  "Yesterday, do you like it?" I jiggle my head so my curls bounce around me.

  The corner of his mouth kicks up in what I guess is his smile now "Yes, it really suits you... it's very Cherie Currie."

  "That's what I was aiming for" I beam at him.

  "Let's stop the imitation at the hair, not sure I can deal with it if you start leaving the house in your underwear"

  I actually cackle in response gaining another flick of the corner of his mouth, managing to wheeze out a "OK deal."

"Your hair will look very good when you go back to school tomorrow" I open my mouth to protest but Alex doesn't let me interrupt him. "You are entirely too intelligent to be missing this much school, Edward will collect you at half seven tomorrow. No arguments." His voice is firm so any rebuttal would be pointless.

I grumble out a "fine" as dread spreads through my body. 

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