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Tw: mild smut near the end of chapter 


  Our first week in our flat is great, we live five minutes from a train station so I'm finally permitted to travel to school alone. As much as I love Edward, the extra hour of quiet listening to music has been blissful.

   Embarrassment flares to life again remembering climbing on Thomas last week, I got so caught up in the moment that before I knew it my legs were around his hips and mouth level with his. For a brief moment I was convinced that he was going to kiss me butterflies took flight in my stomach with anticipation, but nothing happened.

   Mortified I detangled from him inwardly chanting that we are just friends until it fucking sunk in.

  I paid no attention to one of my favourite movies because of this and that's when I realised that I had been hiding a very big part of myself from my friend.

  Becca is my only friend who knows that I'm bisexual, she was the first one I told and was incredibly supportive, unlike the next person that I made the mistake of telling.

  I knew it was 50/50 whether Thomas would take it well or not. Something deep down inside me was screaming that he would accept me, thankfully it was correct and we spent the rest of the night talking about our celebrity crushes, he introduced me to a female fronted rock band and by God if I wasn't Bi before I certainly would be now.

  My head is tugged to the side as Becca sighs exasperated, I mutter a sorry as she responds with a clipped "you will be."

   A few hours later when Becca is finally content with prettifying us, we make the short walk to Hannah's house. Alex agreed to collect me tonight saving me from having to get up a seven on a Sunday so that Becca can go to her hockey game.

   Hannah's is what Thomas would call a modern monstrosity the entire front is glass exposing the huge crowd of people in the front room, lads sing and shout from the second floor balcony, they are already shitfaced, its only nine.

   The second we walk through the door heavy base vibrates my bones, everyone is shouting at each other desperate to be heard over the ridiculously loud music. Becca and I clamber through the tightly packed steaming underagers until we get to the makeshift bar. Chucking together a couple of drinks before heading to the living room for a dance.

  Hours pass as I slide right past tipsy and into hammered, Becca wanders off to find James who is her regular drunk hook up. Stumbling to the bathroom I realise that I probably know about ten people here so while I sit on the toilet with the room swimming around me, I text Alex for collection.

  Swaying out of the bathroom my hand is grabbed yanking me along the hallway. Ah there she is the most beautiful woman I've ever met. Emma Maddison and I have been playing this game for over a year now, she ignores me at school but give her some alcohol and she is all over me like a rash.

  Our first fumble together was during a game of spin the bottle, both of us got picked for seven minutes in heaven. We were shoved into a tiny closet and told to "have fun" after only about thirty seconds of awkward staring, she pinned me to the wall slamming her mouth into mine.

   I took it as a one time thing, probably an experiment on her part. I was already well aware that I liked both so didn't hold it against her for taking me for a test drive. How sorely wrong I was.

   Emma seeks me out at every party we both attend, dragging me off to some secluded place to shove her tongue into my mouth. To this day her kisses are the best I've ever had so it doesn't bother me too much at being her drunken hook up.

  Her thick flame red hair swooshes from side to side across her waist as she glides through the hall. When she finally finds a place that she deems worthy. I'm dragged through the door and over to the far side of the room.

  Emma pins me to the corner her deep moss green eyes sear my skin, her slightly smudged smoky eyes the only thing giving away her drunk status. – well, that and the fact she is currently alone with me - cheekbones that could cut glass and full pouty lips any woman would kill for. She is the whole package popular, beautiful and rich beyond most peoples wildest dreams.

  "Hey" is all I say before she pounces, lips crushing mine as her incredible body collides with mine. When her tongue glides across my teeth I instantly open my mouth as she slips inside. I moan hands moving up her waist until I get to her impressively large boobs, slowly kneading in the way that drives her mad and has her rolling her hips into mine.

  Groaning into my mouth she spreads my thighs. Shit this is new. Emma never goes below the belt. Her knee slides between mine rising until she connects with me. I gasp as her lips briefly leave mine only to flash a mischievous smile.

  She rolls her knee and my eyes roll into the back of my head. "fuucck" hisses from my lips as I drag her close so I can reciprocate, when my knee reaches her, I'm happy to already find her pants wet.

  This one movement sends us both off the deep end, our knees and hips roll in unison as our mouths attack one another. Emma bites my bottom lip while I tweak her nipple. I'm so fucking close, panting erratically, my body is on fucking fire. I'm about to combust.

   The way she rides my thigh I can tell she is about to go off too. Pinching her nipple again she yelps soaking my knee, shuddering against my body she does something completely out of character.

  Her hand slips up my skirt and presses my clit. That's it I'm done. I yell out, trembling as wave after wave of pleasure rolls over me. Reaching up to reclaim her mouth she pulls out of my grasp and I swear I see disgust on her face.

  "You should clean yourself up before going back out there," is all Emma says before leaving me alone and for the first time feeling used.

   I hide in the bathroom until the text from Alex comes in, when I flop into his car his eyes give me the once over a small smile fluttering through his face, "good night?"

  Subconsciously I touch my lips, this time his smile is wider gaining me the tiniest sliver of teeth. The ache left by Emma's brush off dissipates, I grin at my brother musing "it was interesting."  

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