Chapter 1 : The Hidden prince

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The cold breeze made the hair on your skin stand with respect when you walked through the greenish canvas of Hwang’s palace. Every guard and maid passess through you and bows their head knowing you are the soon to be bride here.  “My princess” A smile paints across your face when you see Seongjin lifts his hand to help you walk through the garden. You see the white round table and some beautifully designed white chairs which  had Mr and Mrs Hwang seated on them. Sipping the royal tea and cheering something with a smile plastered on their faces. “Oh here, here” They stood up, watching you and your parents walk to their boundary. Your head bowed them without your consent since that's how good your parents raised you with manners.

Soon there were three more chairs for you and your parents but You would rather explore the palace. You still weren't used to this place. It's such a big palace with some barriers. Seongjin was beside you holding your hand and talking to you with his eyes While your family was busy talking politics. “I can't wait to spend my life with you, Wei.”  Seongjin whispered, his fingers brushing against your knuckle as you smiled genuinely and leaned in. “and I can't wait to get out of this boring conversation.” You whispered back smiling but it was obvious that you wanted to go somewhere else instead.

“Hey don't talk like that, you are going to be hwang’s kingdom star princess.” He smiled as you almost rolled your eyes but you had to maintain your image of being a strong woman with principles and attitude. “My apology, Can I go to the Lavatory? (Restroom)” Seongjin nodded, standing up. “You don't need to come with me, I will be fine alone.” Your voice touched his smile as he agreed and told some maids to guide you, and there you were holding your fabric as you walked on the golden marbled floor with all the aesthetic lightning spotting you. “You can leave.” You said to those maids as they gave you a look of not being sure but finally agreed to leave you alone.

You took the chance to explore the palace, going upstairs while your gown trails softly on those red carpet stairs. Your steps took you to the end of the corridor to where the balcony was. You looked down seeing Seongjin and everyone on their chair’s laughing and sipping their royal tea. A smile creeped on your face when you saw how respectful Seongjin was to your parents. You would definitely marry this guy. Your ears perked up on some growling sound as you turned around making your soul leave your body. A panther? You stepped back making the hair on your body stand.

“Caldor'' A soft whisper  approaches the scene as you try to look inside the door a few steps away from the balcony- It's him. You tilt your head to see the blond prince but he hid himself well enough for your eyes to find him. The panther growls at you again. “Caldor, come inside.” He whispered again as the panther wasn't ready to move himself even a inch - Because you are in his territory. “Prince Hyunjin?” You knew him since Seongjin has mentioned him to you a few times. Hyunjin quickly pulls himself back inside his room, hiding his back that was visible a moment  ago.

“Caldor, come inside.” Hyunjin says in a whisper again as the panther takes a step back but instead of going back the panther jumps on you making you scream in fear, Hyunjin rushes out but does nothing except standing and requesting the panther to leave you. Seongjin and others heard you screaming and they knew what exactly was happening and so they ran upstairs. “Caldor, leave her.. Please..” Hyunjin had his blond bangs covering his eyes as he bit his nails in fear. At the moment the panther’s teeth touch your neck  the guards pushed him off with an electric lazer. 

Your parents saw you breathing heavily as they rushed to you but Seongjin gets you first, he pulls you up and hugs you. “You okay love?” You nodded in his arms even when you were clearly scared. You saw the panther getting hit by the guards and Hyunjin crying pleading to save him. “Please stop” His voice trembled on your skin. Your heart melts at the sight of a 26 year old adult crying with his baby voice to save his pet. “Bring the whip” The king ordered and the maids followed bowing him. First you thought maybe Mr. Hwang was going to hurt the Panther for attacking you but as soon as the maid brought him the Whip he started showering the pain on Hyunjin while Hyunjin stayed silent muttering little sorry.

You could feel your heart shattering everytime the king marked the whip on the innocent body. Seongjin rubbed your back but you yanked his hand suddenly. “Tell them to stop, what they are doing is wrong.” Seongjin sighed trying to hold you again. “Just relax, that's how he will learn to behave.” Seonjin said while his eyes smirked watching hyunjin in pain getting his skin red. “But it's not his fault.” You slide away from Seongjin and get in front of Hyunjin, making everyone’s eyes go wide. “Stop it! Is that how you treat your prince?”

The king and queen were in shock as they gave seongjin a look as seongjin whispered and yelled at you. “Princess,  get back here.” His voice was stern but you weren't a woman who would stay silent witnessing an injustice in front of your eyes. “Princess Wei, look we would be glad if you stay out of this matter.” The queen spoke and made you look at your parents and back to the innocent human who was shaking with his silent tears marching down. “No, If this is how you treat your younger son, the one who should be treated nicely and if you are going to continue this violence then i'm not marrying into this family.”

Everyone present at the scene just gasped, you looked at hyunjin who just ran back to his room with his panther growling in pain and locked his door.
“Wei, watch what you say.” Seongjin was clearly angry with your statement. “Don't teach me manners. If a family doesn't respect their special child, and doesn't give him the treatment he deserves then I don't want to marry into a family which only knows violence.” You spoke confidently as your parents nodded. “We won't let our daughter marry into this kind of family.” Mr. Chen- your dad spoke and your mom agreed.

Was this the end? Seongjin looked at you with sadness and fear in his eyes, fear of losing his love of life or fear of losing the power and royalties he was going to get by marrying you. Mr. Hwang and Mrs. Hwang already started imagining their kingdom fall apart and the rivals concerning it, they started imagining the big wave of loss once you call off this marriage.

............................Authors note........................

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I know it took a whole week but seriously I was so busy , 😭😭

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