Chapter19: The final offer

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Another day, Another sadness, Another loud scream, Another cruel laugh.

Seongjin grips the arm rest, his fingers brushing over where Hyunjin's nails left a mark. His eyes exhaustedly shut down. His tongue felt numb and so his body yet he could feel all the tiredness washing over him. The extreme pain passes through him again.

Another day, Another sadness, Another loud scream, Another cruel laugh.

"Do you feel like it?" Hyunjin laughs. Seongjin stays silent.

"Do you feel what I felt?" He chuckled, covering his mouth. Seongjin looked at him tiredly, he had no energy.

"S-stop...please.." He managed to get that out with a slur.

Hyunjin laughs one more time before stepping back. "Oh trust me, it's fun." He lifted his chin towards Robert.

"N-no..p-lease.." Seongjin's words slurred as he tried to move but his hands were tied to the chair.

"Please proceed, Robert, what are you waiting for?" Hyunjin speaks, raising his eyebrow seeing the butler getting concerned for Seongjin. Robert bowed and pulled the lever. The current kisses Seongjin with intense pain but enough to kill him.

"It's fun right? Feeling the current touching your bones, it runs through your veins, reaches your brain and licks off the soft peace, leaving you with a terrifying burning sensation." Hyunjin laughs before waving and turns around to exit the basement where he suffered once.


A cold tension builds up when Hyunjin enters the room. His eyes gaze away searching for something while his panther rubs himself on Hyunjin's leg. A soft growl leaves the panther's mouth. "Can you shift Caldor to the room downstairs?" Wei mumbled slowly, folding the clothes and putting it in the wardrobe, waiting for Hyunjin to react.

It's been 3 months and Hyunjin still hasn't talked to her, he barely made any eye contact. "Hyunjin.." She called out again.

"I don't want your panther to stay in the same room the baby is." Wei spoke sternly yet he stood, facing his back to her as he looked through the same papers.

"I don't know if it's safe or not but I still don't want this panther to be here in the room." She closed the wooden wardrobe. Hyunjin did not react as he continue reading.

"Why are you behaving like this???" Wei yells while walking to him. "You are making me feel so shitty, like it's my fault that we had a girl." Tears take over her emotions as she turns him around to face her. "What's your problem huh???"

Hyunjin sighs and looks away, he wasn't interested in this drama. "We had a girl, now what?? Are you always gonna be so distant and cold??? Oh wait, you are the king, you can marry as many women as you want. Then marry someone and have an heir." She snaps at him holding his arm harshly. Looking up to his tall figure while his eyes drift away.

"You are no different from your father. He never accepted you and you would never accept this baby." She speaks waiting for an reaction but she could only see a difference in his eyes but he doesn't moves.

The 3-month-old baby girl started crying when she woke up.Wei rolled her eyes. "Cry all you want, if your father isn't looking over you, I won't too." Wei speaks with a stoned heart even if she didn't mean it. She storms out without looking at the baby and the baby keeps crying louder.

Hyunjin clenches his teeth and reluctantly looks over the crib. He wanted to call you and tell you to shut her up. "Stop crying.." He speaks through gritted teeth, his anger flared up with seconds as he quickly walks to the crib. "I said stop crying!!" He yells louder which only makes the baby cry louder.

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