Chapter 2 : Salvatore

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A thick fog floats around the cold room making the prince shiver, the tears turn into crystals on his cheek as his breath lets out small smoke. The warm fluffy Caldor wrapped his black tail around the cold prince, purring sadly while rubbing his head against the boy’s nose. “Salvatore. '' Hyunjin mumbled shivering and the panther growled sadly as if he was telling him no one is coming to save him from this hell. “P..please…come..come back.” Hyunjin shivered, His skin was freezing with his numb heart beats. Caldor rubbed his head trying to produce some warmth for hyunjin, but hyunjin’s eyes were still closed. Hyunjin has been locked in his room for 2 days now. 

A bang echoed in the room, making Hyunjin open his cold eyes in fear. Two men in black-white dress code entered with a brown-haired lady who looked around 30, Lucia Binachi-Hyunjin’s caretaker. “Wake him up.” She orders with cruelty in her voice as the two workers step ahead with a stun gun to avoid the panther’s attack. The huge panther was covering Hyunjin’s cold body and hissing at those guards. “What are you waiting for?” Lucia spoke as guard one shove the panther away with the help of the stun gun which caused Hyunjin to gain a bit of sense. “C-caldor….My..caldor.” 

The panther falls off the bed making a loud noise as hyunjin tries to get up. The guards held his arms and helped him to stand while hyunjin tried to yank their hands off. “Leave me, My Caldor” Hyunjin tries to pull away from the guards. His heart was trapped in that black panther laying on the floor unconsciously. Usually no one even walks around his room or no one even bothers to check on him but something was wrong today. “Leave me, where are you taking me? Miss Binach-”  “Shut your mouth if you don't want to be locked again.”   

This had Hyunjin’s lips sealed as he silently followed them to the luxurious bathroom with white-gray tiles. He sees the bathtub filled with warm water and the rose petals decorating it. Lucia waved her fingers as the guards exit the room, closing the door behind them. As Hyunjin’s caretaker it was Lucia’s responsibility to bathe him, feed him and keep him safe which she was so terrible at. Hyunjin’s legs trembled while stepping towards the bathtub, he didn't want to go through it again. He hated it, he hated the smile which creeped on Lucia’s face. 

“Remove your clothes or should I?” The prince gulped looking down not from shyness but from fear. He never got the respect he deserves but his adult masculine body got more attention. The maids who were afraid to look at the king and queen never let a chance slip off to see the prince naked. Hyunjin bites his nails while shaking his head slowly. His eyes were glued to the floor how soft and innocent he looked. “Tsk, You want me to take it off then? How naughty.” Lucia spoke, walking to Hyunjin while he stayed frozen in his place. They all were the same. His parents who neglected him, His brother who wanted him dead, those servants who only sexualized him, and his own caretaker who never cared about him but his body. 

Her finger danced on his button of plain white. She slowly and carefully takes off his shirt now tracing his skin down to his abdomen as a sinister smile appears on her lips. Poor prince stood there with fear lingering inside his skin with every single touch of her. “get in.” She commanded and He obeyed, removing his other half clothes being all exposed and stepping inside the bathtub the rose petals stuck to his legs while he laid inside. “Good boy” she praised him and kneeled down putting her hand on his shoulder massaging it slowly but keeping her face close to his neck inhaling his soft scent. Was a caretaker supposed to do this? Was she supposed to touch her prince in an inappropriate way? Just because That soul was mentally unstable from others? Yet no one could save him. 

Lucia trails her hands down to his chest feeling his muscles tighten she smirked at the fear in the prince's eyes. “Just relax” Her whisper hits his skin as if it was some kind of acid. “Why does that princess care about you so much?” Lucia rolled her eyes, her fingers caressing his hair from back while he melted in the bathtub from disgust. Lucia slowly poured the water on his body, touching him sensually and massaging his body. He truly hated it. When will he escape this? How will he escape this?.

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