Chapter 18: The last day

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[writing from third pov, i'm so done with this 'you' thing]

"I heard, the Queen is giving birth." The man with white suitcase spoke. "God knows what will happen, I hope it's a boy." Other person next to him replied.

"Right, Lord is expecting an heir, who can take after him."

"Well, what if the baby is not a boy..?"

The two of them shared a tense look before going back to smoking.

"Lord Loves his wife, he wont do anything to her.." The man with White blue coat spoke, interrupting those two.

"Love?" The man with white suitcase laughs.

"Devil can never love anyone, they are selfish and love is just a facade."

The villagers, merchants, maids, and everyone in the kingdom were tense.Even the walls were biting their nails in anticipation. The Queen crumbled around the sheets. Gripping it tight in her fingers. A loud scream comes out of her tiny mouth.

Her Baby bump was healthy, her mental health wasn't. She closed her eyes when she felt the water break, The dizziness embraced her yet she looked at her Husbands who were busy arguing.

"LET US TAKE HER TO HOSPITAL!!" Seongjin yelled at Hyunjin, yet Hyunjin kept blocking his way.

"I have called the doctor already." He hid the fear under his cold mask. He was equally nervous as Seongjin. It was his first baby and seeing Wei in Lot was heartbreaking pain made him go weak.

"Why are you doing this? She is my wife too, let me please take her to the hospital!" Seongjin flinches from your other scream, and Hyunjin rolls his sleeves down to hide the goosebumps.

"It's our old tradition to give birth within the walls of the kingdom." Hyunjin spoke, clearing his throat. Hyunjin was very strict about the rules? No.

He was afraid, the myth said if the queen gives birth to a child outside the mansion then evil spirits get attracted too easily and it can kill the baby.

This myth turned true when slowly Hwang kingdom's ancestors lost their babies outside the mansion. Hyunjin was too protective of Wei and his baby. He knew the tradition was a myth yet he wanted to take no risk.


When Seongjin burst out at him, Hyunjin's eyes perked up sharp. He folded his arms and took a step forward to Seongjin and Suddenly the younger one was filled with fear.

"What did you say?" Hyunjin chuckled bitterly. "For god sake?" He leaned closer to Seongjin, holding his collar tight. The maids were too scared to interfere in this drama when Wei was at the verge of fainting.

"I am The God. If you dont wanna listen to your god, you will be punished.." Seongjin blinks in fear. "You should thank me for letting you stay here in my mansion." He pushes Seongjin away but Seongjin too worried Wei and he couldn't control the snapback.

"You destroyed the kingdom!! You killed the father!! You ki–" Seongjin groaned when he was pushed back by a punch, the blood dripped down his nose and he took a moment to process what happened.

"How dare yo- '' Hyunjin threw another punch to Seongjin. On the other hand Wei was suffering on the bed, holding her belly as she cried in pain.

"S-Stop.." She managed to speak out but they weren't listening. The wrath leads them to take it out on each other that they store in themselves for years now. Hyunjin moved forward banging Seonjin's head against the marbled desk.

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