Chapter 13 : Celebration of defeat

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[used of Indian language]

The silence wasn’t comforting, It felt like a sulphuric acid, burning the skin with muted abuse. A painful sigh left his mouth, eyes held those tears back. “Why did you do this, Wei?” His voice was filled with regret. You had fallen down so hard that it was weighing his eyes to even look at you. 

“Don't you have anything to explain?” He was again greeted by the silence. You were too ashamed of yourself. “Did he force you?” Seongjin had seen the way you were riding Hyunjin earlier. It was clear that you willingly did it. Yet he somewhat wished you would lie and say he forced you. But did he?

“I…I'm sorry.” This is all you could say, will he believe you if you explain the manipulation Hyunjin had been doing? Will Seongjin believe you if you tell him about the way you feel whenever Hyunjin is in pain?

It was complicated. He stormed towards you when he felt the silence and guilt slitting his throat open. A warning bell rang in your ear.
he is going to hit me..

But a warmth of guilt strokes through you when he pulls you in his embrace. You feel your heart bouncing its way out of your ribs and the sudden wet sensation over your earlobe makes you realize…he was crying.

“Why did you do that…” He asked again but hoping you to stay silent rather. He was a man drowning in your love where he couldn't even bring himself to hit you and knock some sense back in you. He was helpless himself.

“He took everything away from me, My father, My mother, My crown…and  something I admire, something that was so precious to me..” His tears pass his lips when he holds your face in his soft hands. The guilt waters in your eyes.

“Im…sorry…” You had a lot to say but you couldn't. “Forgive me..”  You whispered and surprise hit your face when he suddenly moved back. His steps counted the distance in between. “Please..” You begged and he shook his head turning to leave. “Please, your highness..” You dropped on your knees holding your hands to your chest through the Shawl.

“Do you have an explanation?” His voice changed with rage boiling up. He didn't look back yet you could say he was so upset but not more than you were. “N-no…I can't explain..any of this..” You gave up with a sigh and let your husband walk out on you.


The night wasn't very pleasant for you nor for Seongjin but Hyunjin slept for eternity yesterday. When Morning arrived your restless self took a dull shower hoping whatever happened must be a dream. This assumption didn't stay for long after seeing Seongjin walking up to the room. You opened your mouth to speak but he didn't waste a second to walk past you almost as if you were invisible.  

You waited, waited and waited until the shower was done. Your Husband walked out with his flawless body layering with fabric making him amazingly Royal. You stood up and locked your gaze with his. “We need to talk.” An unpleasant annoyed sigh escapes through him. He ignored your pleas and drove his way downstairs while you tailed after him.

“Your highness pleas—” “I'm leaving.” You froze with a gasp seeing him taking the suitcase he dropped in the courtroom yesterday. “No please.” Emotions balled up in you while rage filled his body. “I was too prideful, I thought no one could ever beat me..” He sighs looking away. “He won, when he took you away from me..” his eyes moved back to you with sad love. “Please don't leave..” You held his hand interlacing your fingers while tears balled up in your eyes.

“When we were kids I made a bet..if ever He gets the crown then i will leave the kingdom..” You shook your vulnerable face at his every word. “He won, wei..”

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