Chapter 11 : Mine [🔞]

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Warm water runs down your naked body as soon as your fabric hits the wet floor. A weightful sigh leaves your mouth, running a hand through your wet hair, you look down  at the water sliding down to the sinkhole. You wish it could wash off your sins too.
“Hm..nice fragrance.” He closes the door behind him and sees your rage blinking alive after seeing him enter the bathroom. How can you forget to lock the door? Why didn't it come to your mind that he would come to your room?

He slowly drops his clothes on the floor while his eyes pass current through yours. The silence played a major role here only the water splashing against the floor could be heard with your numb heart beats. He takes firm steps towards you, getting surprised at  how you didnt step back this time. A playful smirk appears on his face when he says “You are so sexy when you are mad, princess.” He whispered, towering you. Your eyes didn't show any fear but only rage and feeling of hurt and betrayal. “Why did you do that?” You spoke, clenching your jaw.

His sudden push makes you gasp slightly as your back hits the wall. Coldness slits your back with shivers and he leans closer holding your jaw. His wet body was now pressed against yours with his other hand holding your waist. “I just want what I deserve, I deserve that throne and you, because you are mine.” The pressure of his hand felt as if it would crush your jaw right away. “Oh, does that hurt?” He chuckles, losing his grip. “I forgot how sensitive my birdy is..” His fingers travel between your breasts going down, squeezing your waist with both of his hands but before it could go down any further you gripped his hand and yanked it off with force, A sudden anger flashes in his eyes.

He pulls you towards him but you turn around and hit his face with your elbow and he hisses in slight pain holding his nose. “Oh so this little princess can fight too?” He smirks, rubbing his nose and then pushes you harshly against the wall while twisting your arm behind your back. He grips your hair in a fist and smashes your head on the wall. You yelped in pain as he smirks, twisting your arm harder—yet tries not to break it.

“Don't ever do that, you should know how to respect your God.” He groaned and kept pressing your head against the wall. “God..? bullshit…” You spoke rebelliously–he knew you were a warrior. He chuckled. “You are the lucky one, you get to see your god…naked.” He smirks and guides his fingers down your spin, leaving your arms and it slides down to your hips. “You are the lucky one to be touched by me.”
Only disgust creeped in your skin. “Stop it..” You muttered while he kept pressing your forehead to the wall-it left a scarlet mark by now. “You always turn me on…goddamn..just look at you..”   He groans, his touch burning on your skin with a crimson red blush on your face-why the hell am I blushing?. He pushes his hips against yours and one more manly groan horses out. “You are such a goddess…” His hips slowly grind against yours from behind while he keeps pressing your forehead  against the wall. A low shaky moan leaves his mouth as his eyes shut down feeling himself growing harder. He bites his lower lips painting his own mark while his head falls back.

“” Your fist clenched, you couldn't move, his force was stronger than yours. “Hm..You want me to stop..?” He smirks, still grinding against your ass. You could feel his tip having all his pre-cum which was sticking to your asscheek. “Aren't you the same person who screamed under me that night?”  He fists your hair roughly, keeping your face stuck to the wall. “Ah..mhm..Hyunjin.dont stop..mhm..”  He mimicked your words from that dark night. You were so embarrassed as the guilt creeped up to you. He laughed more sounded like a giggle which triggered a memory of he would giggle innocently back then.

He was so innocent when you first met him. How did he change? Were you too careless while trying to heal him? He may not be mentally a kid now but him acting so like Adult was something you regretted, you should have seen it coming…   
“Don't tell me what to do..”  He spoke slapping asscheek as your lips parted for a gasp. Your body gets alerted and you step back to hit him again but he grabs your wrist tight and makes sure to lock them behind your back. His right leg slips between yours making them spread wider so he could take you right there. His every action was harsh compared to the first time you were together. You were helpless here, you couldn't do anything. “I warned you..” He slaps your asscheek again, gaining a gasp from you. “When will you learn to respect me..” He groaned remembering how you didn't bow to him earlier.

His hips jerks forward with his wet shaft entering your love hole. A soft moan slips from your mouth because you were human in the end, this was disgusting yet so pleasurable, your skin craved for more. He pushes himself harshly and hears you moan. His hand was quick to slap your ass with double force this time. “Learn to keep your mouth shut, don't open it unless I tell you to.” You were quick to seal your lips obeying him because you knew you cant get out of this the better option was to obey him which can probably help you. His hips bucks faster, his expression changes from anger to a vulnerable state. Only his moans flew with freedom while you were disguised into tears to escape.

You were having a hard time holding your voice. The warm water from the shower felt like a cruel laugh of a god watching you get railed up for your mistakes. You were one to blame because you were his woman now, his desirable woman.

“Mm-” A tight slap echoes around with those plopping wet sounds of his length sliding in and out of you. “Stay quiet, birdy.”  Your tears poured and got mixed with the warm water. Your body was all wet yet your throat was so dry, screams lingered inside trying to escape, the pain and pleasure hid in your fingers and toes which curled up to grip something for balance. You wanted to moan, to scream because the more he increased his speed the pleasure teased you.

And the session continued for 30 minutes. Having you hold your orgasm wasn't a great idea so he loved to keep you from moaning because it chokes you from inside. Your finger holds the wall tight when he comes inside you and pulls away. The water washes away his sin but ignores yours. You could feel how tired your body was.

“Didnt you enjoy it? I know you did.” He winks at you, your tired body manages to turn around as he chuckles. “Aww, was I too rough?” He caresses your cheek, His thumb rubs under your chin making you look up at him. When your blue eyes met his, he was surprised you still had the same rage and betrayal feeling in them. “Tsk, you are so tough wei..” He says rolling his eyes and then a smirk forms on his face. “But I know how to break you, it's gonna be fun..” He leans in and places a soft kiss on your closed lips while your heavy breaths hit his skin. It felt so nice when he kissed you softly, you secretly crave those soft kisses more..

Next day    

“How’s She?” You asked full of  concern as the doctor sighs walking away from Lady Hwang’s bed, letting her sleep peacefully. “Her health is getting worse, your highness..” She replied as you glanced at your Mother-in-law on the bed. “There is nothing we can do..” “But what happened to her suddenly?” You asked as the Doctor shook her head. “No Idea.. I took some test last time, her blood says it has a heavy medium of Cyanide in it.” You frowned. “How is that possible?” Doctor shook her head. “I think you should keep a watch on what she eats..”  You nodded and then greeted the doctor out of the room, She bows to you before leaving. You glanced back at her, you remember her speaking about Hyunjin doing all this..but how? Was it really him? Because as per Hyunjin, Lord’s death was an accident.
Lord’s sudden death by panther, You finding His partner's food under Hyunjin’s bed, Lady Hwang’s sudden sickness and Hyunjin’s behavior, everything was getting to you. Right now you only craved one thing…Your husband, you wanted Seongjin to be here and hug you, comfort you, and tell you everything is going to be okay..
You wiped your tears, looking at Lady Hwang. How pale she grew. You hated how everything was going wrong. You need Seongjin right now.

Something suddenly clicks in you, you run out of the room and shouts at a guard standing near stairs, telling him to stop the doctor, he quickly runs out to follow your command. You lifted your heavy attire and ran downstairs, huffing as you finally reached outside seeing the Doctor beside her little Vintage car. You took a minute to calm down as you spoke.

“What's wrong, your highness?” The doctor got concerned. “Most of your family members worked for Hwang palace as doctors right?” you asked, your breaths were still a little windy. “For generations to generations, yes.” She replied. “Why do you ask, your highness?”
“Do me a favor. Go through your old records of Hwang palace and find the cause of death..” She frowned in confusion. “Of whose?” You exhaled a shaky breath. “Queen Adele.”

************AUTHOR'S NOTE***********


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