Chapter 6 : Teach him a lesson [🔞]

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************SMUT WARNING**********

The room was fresh today with the same lavender fragrance. This mansion has become your favorite place ever since you got married to Seongjin. The people were nice, the surroundings were covered with flowers and butterflies just like the one in fairytale but this isn't a fairytale. People say the monster hides beneath a sweet face. A small smirk appears on his face and the monster reveals his crystal skin, those cherry lips and innocent eyes which won't ever let you see the truth inside.  “Good morning princess.” A manly voice with snaking hands around your waist made you flinch. You turned around to see Hyunjin’s face intimately closer to yours. You let an uncomfortable smile spread across your face. The position you were in didn't look innocent or friendly. 

“G-good morning.” You tried slipping off yet Hyunjin’s grip but it  was tight on your waist. “Did you have breakfast?” He whispered, placing his chin on your shoulder, it didn't feel romantic, it felt weird. How casual he was acting while doing so uncomfortable things to you. “Yeah…” “They…didn't..bring me anything to eat..yet.” He said, his smile falling flat and lips curving into a slight pout which always melted your heart and you reminded yourself that he was a special child. Again falling for his trap you smiled. “I will go check if they still have the breakfast or I will tell them to make a fresh one.”  His hands slowly slipped away. “I will send Lucia, get the bath done hm?” He nodded and watched you leave.
“Aren't you his caretaker? You are supposed to take care of him.” You scolded Lucia who kept her gaze down. “Why didn't he get the breakfast?” Lucia shoots you a confused look but before she can open her mouth the lady goes white seeing Hyunjin upstairs in the corridor looking down at her with a smirk, his hand resting on the railing and giving her a warning look. “I-I forgot, please forgive me, your highness.” You rolled your eyes. “Fine but please make sure to feed him on time, he is a prince too.” Oh god, How possessive you were for him and how much he liked it. “Is there anything left?” Lucia shakes her head indicating there is no food. “Where is the cook?” You enter the Lavish Kitchen and she follows you around, moving away from Monster’s sight.

“Lady Hwang sent them home since it's already 11 : 20, They would be coming by 12 : 30 to make lunch.” You sighed at her response. “I guess I will have to make it myself then.” Your eyes trailed over the marble counter and crystal white shelves. Lucia gasped. “Your highness, you are a royal blood, you aren't allowed to cook.” Your lips curled up. “Please, don't tell me what to do.” Your sarcasm made her roll her eyes mentally. “You go, Help him bathe.”  Lucia looked stunned almost as if she would sink down on the floor. Yet she bowed to you, leaving the kitchen. her eyes glanced up to Hyunjin Who mouthed a little ‘wow’ With a smirk and stepped towards the main bathroom. Her boldness hid somewhere and she was shivering from inside.
Hyunjin was standing straight with his naked body. His arms were crossed and his eyes were enjoying the dominance. His chin nudged upwards “Take it off.”  Lucia remembered how she used to enjoy his helpless self being naked in front of her and she could touch him all she wanted but the game now turned its side. “Don't make me repeat.” Lucia shivered under his manly voice, her eyes darting to his body. That was the exact moment She knew… 

Stripping down, being helpless she lowers her head making him smirk wider. “My caretaker isn't that hot but..she can use her feisty mouth at least..” Her eyes widened and fish clenched at his insult towards her. “On your knees.” She hesitated but went down anyway, after all the greedy Lucia still had some part of her inside. “So obedient huh..?” He chuckled seeing her being scared yet desperate to take him all. “Slut..” He moved forward, Lucia licked her lips and her hungry eyes just couldn't help but stare at his length. “Touch it..whore.” He whispered his arms still crossed and how sexy he looked like that, like a…greek god itself. Lucia slowly wrapped her hands around his shaft, the feeling of jerking him off was so overwhelming but she knew he was showing her where she belonged.    

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