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{5 years later}

"Princess, please get down, your father will get mad." Mr. Lee nervously speaks.

"Shut Up!! This is going to be mine one day!" The small girl says sitting on the golden throne with a velvet seat. The throne swallows her small body in its embrace.

"Ofcourse, this is going to be yours one day, darling." Hyunjin enters with a smile as everyone in the courtroom stands up, bowing their head down.

Hyunjin picks up his daughter and a warmth of love fills him. "But daddy has really very important business right now, so go play somewhere else."

Adele turned five 3 months ago. Hyunjin once said he won't tolerate if the baby is born as a girl but ever since Adele has spoken her first word, she is the only person Hyunjin is willing to tolerate.

Hyunjin kisses her cheek and puts her down. "Daddy, can I ride Caldor?" She asks with a cute voice, never staying stable as she cradles back and forth on her heels.

Hyunjin was so done with his daughter continuosly annoying his panther, she rides him, she brushes his hair and talks about designing a fairy dress for him.

"No baby, he isnt a toy to play with.." He smiles stroking her light brown hair, it reminded him of ........her.

"But he is a cute kitty daddy.." She pouts, he loved her beauty of annoyance but he hated the beauty of her mother which sparked in the little girl.

Hyunjin clears his throat and leaned closer to her.

"He isn't a cute kitty, he can eat you alive...just like he ate your grandfather.." Hyunjin whispers as the kid pauses and then crosses her hands.

"Your jokes don't scare me daddy, I'm your daughter after all!" He laughs when she takes his words as a joke.

He signaled Mr. Lee to take Adele away.

"Sit down, everyone." Hyunjin gets settled down on his throne, his cape layering the seat once more. The silver rudy stoned crown shone brighter but his eyes didn't. He had everything, He was a good king, a good father too.

No one dared to commit any crime when Hyunjin published his own law book. New rules with horrifying punishments. The mansion was a new heaven, with new workers, if we left few.

Everyone sees him as a great king, who won back the lands his father lost in battles. But no one sees him as a great person.

Exactly 3 months after Adele's birth, He lost her, yes lost. He was too afraid to admit that he killed her. It has turned into a nightmare for him. He doesn't sleep, he just sits with his grief.

Hyunjin sat in his royal car as the driver took him to the Royal park–a place where royal people have been buried. Hyunjin never let anyone see his true emotions but that didn't mean he never had one.

When he steps out of the car, the past hits his face with an insane laugh. "Move" The new driver shields Hyunjin from a stranger in their way. A stranger with messy hair, torn shirt and pleading eyes with painful laugh and a ring in his finger named 'Wei'

"Hey! Go away!" The driver shoos away the giggly stranger, a person who looked mentally sick. Hyunjin never breaks eye contact but stops himself from feeling any regret.

"M..mine...t-the crown....." He was no longer the Seongjin the kingdom knew, he was now a mentally unstable sick person. His name was forgotten. He was now a forgotten prince.

The driver pushes seongjin away from the gate, and raises his hand to slap him. Seongjin quickly covers his face with a weakling body and starts apologizing.

Hyunjin sighed, holding the tulips in his hand. "Leave him." He says before entering the Royal park, his driver stays out.

The smell of the first rain hitting his nostrils as he bent and kept the white tulips on her grave. He takes out a silver chain from his pocket and stares at it. He stays silent, He looks up to the sky not because of the gray clouds thundering again, but because he didn't want the tear to fall down.

"I didn't expect you to be here." A voice startled him but he knew who it was. He sighs and inhales the same smell. He turns around to see a fair woman standing next to him, in her long Brown skirt and white skinny top.

"And why wouldn't you expect me to be here? It's my wife's death ceremony." She laughs as Hyunjin turns to her with a smudged look.

"I thought the murderer would never come back to his victim's place." She spoke with a sly smirk, Hyunjin clenches his fist in irritation with her constant taunts.

"Everyone knows it was an accident, I couldn't save her." He speaks through his gritted teeth, his eyes returned to Wei's grave.

"My sister was a great swimmer." Her face is covered with seriousness. Hyunjin felt uneasy knowing she was close to catching him.

Princess Chen Rey. Wei's younger sister who had gone to England for her studies when she was 18. She came back turning 24. Rey was smart, even if she looked different than wei yet her attitude was the same as her sister.

"Mark my words, the moment I get the proof that you killed my sister. I will set this kingdom on fire."

"Good luck with that, Rey." He smirks but from inside he is shaken. Someone digging back the past didn't feel right. He had a feeling that...everything was going to turn upside down again.

"See you at the dinner, Hyunjin." She smirks before walking into the foggy atmosphere and disappearing, leaving him with a strange fear.


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