Chapter 9 : Guilty [🔞]

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A cold breeze passes kissing your nose tip and you shivered in this emptiness. You had your room locked ever since you said goodbye to Seongjin. This silence felt like a warning for an upcoming storm or were you scared? The whole concept of this Princess Wei was diverting its way to a weak little scared girl wanting to hide under the bed.
A sudden knock hits your soft breath making them freeze, your heart throbbed from the fear. It's him…
Once again this bang was heard and you stayed frozen not wanting to open the door.

“Princess, please open the door, I'm sorry for how I behaved.” You heard Hyunjin’s voice carrying gentleness which always made your heart melt and you always told yourself that it's just because you care for him and it doesn't have to be romantically involved. But were you sure about it?
“Wei, please let me explain myself.” His voice was a sting which straight stabbed your emotions and you walked to the door. You took a deep breath and opened the door, your eyes lifting slowly to meet his..
“Can I?” It was the first time he ever asked for your permission as you nodded, closing the door behind him. You could see he was nervous  back to his original-or not original–personality. He was fidgeting with his fingers when his eyes pleaded. “Im..sorry..” You sighed hearing him, as if a heavy weight was taken away from your chest–it was fear.
“I shouldn't have kissed you like that..” You pressed your lips together remembering how good it felt when he forced his tongue inside you without you resisting–you were 50 percent guilty too. He cleared his throat. “I want to tell you a secret.” You remember how he told you a secret before about him being the real crown prince and surely you had lots of questions in your mind that you needed to clear first.

“No wait, first answer my que–” “I will, but for that you will have to listen to what I have to tell you and you will get your answers itself.” His words made you frown in confusion as he sat on your white bed. His hand traced a pattern on your sheets where you had countless sex with your beloved husband. Hyunjin was trying not to think about those things so he cleared his throat and folded his legs up forming a lap.
“So..Adele..” Your eyes perked up when he mentioned the name, this is all you wanted to hear before dying. You took a seat in front of him on your soft blue chair, ready to dive into the flashback.
Adele was my mother, a beautiful French woman. My father and My mother were in love until Elora showed up. She was one of our relatives who had eyes for my father but even after knowing that he was married Elora didn't stop her journey to reach him and one day I remember Him arguing with my mother about her.

“Do you even love me?” Adele spoke, wiping the tears. “Why did you do this to me?? Was I not enough?” Lord sighed, clenching his jaw right after. “I'm sorry, what is done is done.” He replied looking the other way. “I'M NOT LETTING HER COME HERE!!!” She yelled out loud for the first time–everything was happening for the first time, Lord arguing with his love and her yelling at him. “Please try to understand—” “Understand what?? Do I really have to accept the fact that you were sleeping with her behind my back? Do I have to accept that you kept me in the dark ever since our marriage?? Do I have to accept that you married her behind my back and you have a fucking kid with her?????” Lord rolled his eyes while she was tearing from inside. “See, I'm sorry, but I love you Adele..I didn't mean to create this huge fuss.”

“You promised me..” She said while her voice dug a hole in his heart. “Love, please..” He scooted his queen closer, bringing her to his broad chest. “I promise you will still be my first and my favorite.” He ran his fingers through her long blonde hair. While she leans on him–she loved him way too much to leave him.

“Wei..” His soft manipulating  voice made your heart skip as you hummed and he pulled away slightly to look at you. His cute expression made you want to squeeze him in your arms. “I really need this comfort..” He said slowly brushing your hair aside. “You are so beautiful, just like any princess should be..justy perfect..” His whisper gets lower when he leans closer to your face making your ear go red as you remember the kiss you shared with him earlier. His eyes never left yours and he brushes his thumb over your lower lips and you let him…you let him.

“I'm sorry for kissing so all of sudden earlier..” He spoke and you nodded to his apology. “I should have asked for permission.” Your eyes widened a bit, he wasn't apologizing he– “Can I kiss you?”

That made your heart almost explode, you felt a lot of butterflies..which made you nod–why are you nodding??
You tapped your inner voice not wanting to listen because you wanted him. He was 10x a better kisser than your own husband. You could see his wicked grin as he tilted his head and came for your lips but you stopped him quickly when yo9u heard a muffled scream from outside.
“What was that..?” You turn your head to the door. “I Didn't hear anything..” He says turning your head to make you face him but you pulled back which irritated him. “It was something…what's happening out there?” “Nothing princess, please let's continue.”  He was desperate but you weren't listening. “But I heard somet–” “Focus on me” He said roughly grabbing your chin making you face him as your eyes showed slight fear hearing his manly voice. “Focus on me princess, please..” This one was very soft, which easily manipulated your heart and you nodded and soon your lips were connected with his, his tongue was fighting yours, his finger gripped your hair roughly while you caressed his face–this wasn't the soft kiss you expected, it was wilder than earlier.

(Smut ahead, read the last para direct if you follow Ramdhan)

He muffled a moan into the kiss, he was living his dream. “Fuck..” He whispered, proceeding to rip your dress from your shoulder before attaching his lips to your skin. You loved it as much as you were regretting this. Every kiss, every touch made you guilty but you loved how desperate he was for you, he was going to eat you alive–from down soon. Your fingers encouraged him when you caressed his hair and bite your lower lips feeling the pleasure.

“I Love you..” He confessed but his lips never left your skin even if he was out of breath. You didn't react because maybe you saw it coming anyway. “I swear ever since you stepped into my life, I have become obsessed with you..” His lips trace down your cleavage. “Princess, can I take this off?” You knew, taking your clothes off means going even further and you just let it happen. You liked when he asked permission for things but you loved it when he did it with force instead because after being a dominating person yourself you wanted to be submissive for once. He was the right key.

He takes off your clothes, laying you down on the sheets. “I always wanted to make love to you here, right where he fucked you.”  His words made you suddenly realize that he wasn't your husband…seongjin was. But you were too intoxicated to snap back in reality. “Spread your legs for your prince.” He smirked when you obeyed and parted your legs as he took time to touch every detail of you. “I want to paint you naked someday…you are a fucking goddess..” His rough voice was enough to make you wet, his fingers traveled between your legs massaging your folds slightly as you moaned biting your lips.

“It feels good, doesn't it?”  He smirks at your expressions folding in a pleasurable way. He dipped his middle finger right in your core making you gasp as you make an eye contact and your whole body sets on fire from fire–it fucking burns.
"You are so wet just for me..” He whispered, pecking your lips and then pulling away just to rip his clothes off and you watched the show of his hotness dripping down like a waterfall–oh wait that's your mouth watering for him. You watched how his already hardened length sprang out. Not to maintain but you knew it was bigger than your husband. You gulped when he positioned himself between your legs. “Go wider baby.” He whispered inching to your lips and being a good girl you spread your legs wider.

He kisses the tip of your nose “Tell me to stop if it hurts.” You felt your body melting under his words, his care and his love. You know what you were doing was wrong, you were cheating on a person you love but you couldn't stop yourself, you were being blinded, you were mute too and maybe you were deaf too because you couldn't hear the screams and storm going on in the mansion, all you see,hear,speak was him because maybe you were ready to worship him.

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