Chapter 12 : Dreamland Mystery [🔞]

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They say sometimes our dreams predict the future, sometimes a stranger we meet in our dreams holds a role in real life existence. Sometimes our subconscious mind generates an image of a person who isn't anymore in this world. Humans named it as hallucination or Dreamland.

This world is full of mysteries. Some are there in front of our naked eyes but some hide in our mind like dreams… the dream psychology is the most unsolved thing with different superstitions and theories called Myth.

Hyunjin was shut down by the world and his family after his mother-Queen Adele–died. He was tortured, broken so He won't get his hand on the crown but..there was someone who always encouraged him. 

It was his mother..
His voice in the dress of his mother who told him to smell vengeance.
And the other one…
The lady who was bonded with wei..

“Please..” He drops to his knees and begs her to stay. “Let go of me hyunjin..” Her fragile voice makes his eyes swell up with tears. “I love you..” He breathes, holds her soft hand. “You are the only woman I want..” He whimpered at her sudden caress as the faceless figure sighs. “You have her, you have the woman who saved you, helped you gain power..” “No, she isn't someone I Love, it's you..” Hyunjin replies placing his hand on hers which was on his cheek. The only woman he loved was her but she was nothing but just a dreamland mystery.

She would appear whenever he was asleep, he met her in his dreams. She was someone who always held his hope high and told her someone will come to save him from this hell. Then you came into his life. The same figure as the girl from dreamland but the difference was you had a beautiful face yet she was faceless.

Iam her, she is me..” She spoke, pulling away her hand. “No, wei is not you..she is a different person.” Hyunjin spoke, shaking his head. “I'm not real..” “Shutup!!” He yelled frustratedly. “I love you, just you..please don't leave me..” His voice cracked watching her leave his hand which she had held for years and years. “It's my time to go..” Salty waves escaped his eyes as he cried louder and louder watching the blurry image fade away. The floor started creaking where he was standing, he stepped back. 

“NO,NO,NO” He catches speed running far from reality until the ice breaks his dreamland shattered as he screams falling down until he is awake.

He sits up, turns on the lamp and breathes heavily. “She is gone…” He whispers and palms his head only to find the sweat drooling over his forehead which made him get up and wash himself under the shower. The panther growls sleepily on his bed, hiding his face behind his thick tail as he curls up and falls back to sleep.

You grew impatient  by time, hyunjin was now announced as the king and the whole kingdom was forcing joy and happiness. Seongjin was still on his way with the messenger back to the mansion.
“Your highness?” You quickly turned around to see Miss Bianchi. Her wrinkled skin curls up in a gentle smile. “I will stay with lady hwang you should go, Young mas– I mean Lord Hyunjin wants to see you.”

You hesitated and stood up. “But it's literally 2 am..” The old maid sighed walking closer to you. “We can't ignore his command.” You nodded at her words. “Where is he?” “In the courtroom.” 

You were nervous. Why was he in the courtroom…? Did he call the ministry? What did he do now?. A lot of questions knocked your head. You took the royal shawl putting it on to cover your nighty when You walked down to the courtroom.
Once you reached the hall you were greeted by the silence. Your eyes flickered around until it halted at His figure sitting on the golden throne. His eyes were shut, his fingers were massaging his temples. It concerned you and you hated yourself for worrying about him.

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