Chapter 15 : The Queen

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The venue was filled with whispers and curses. The guests plaster the forced smile on their faces. The princes and princess with their family came along with huge gifts, flowers and a lot of augury, and placed it in the backyard. The hall was filled with the fragrance of beautiful lilies. “Smile, darling..” Hyunjin whispers holding you close after the successful wedding. He walks you to the same guests who visited you before—when you were marrying Seongjin.

“Look at this, aren't they beautiful?” He smiles pointing at the tulips wrapped around the chandelier. “I personally chose it because tulips are your favorite.”   Your eyes admired the golden beauty with pinkish tulips but no matter how beautiful it looked, he made you hate it now. “They stink.” You spoke, making your eyes cut through his as a laugh escaped his mouth. “I was going to say you are like tulips–” He couldn't stop laughing and you hated it, his voice, his touch, him. You hated everything at the moment.

“Cut it off.” You said walking ahead but his harsh grip on your wrist made you stumble back. “Side by side, honey. We are married now and maybe I will really have to make you realize it tonight.” His whisper made your heart race with anger.

Meanwhile, Seongjin stood in the passage upstairs, his eyes following your figure around. His heart only broke seeing Hyunjin holding by your waist. He hated seeing how hyunjin showed you off like you were some kind of trophy. No. You were his pride, his desire, his vengeance.    

“Looking for something, your highness?” He heard a sweet venom voice behind him as he turned to see Lucia standing there with a glass of wine. “What are you doing here?” He frowned, arching his brows. “Well..I thought…” She steps towards him, lifting her finger to touch his chest. “You need some company.” She knew he was vulnerable.

“Maybe we could…” Her voice trails off with her finger sliding down his torso which made him roll his eyes. He grabbed her hand, twisted it bringing it to her back, making her gasp painfully, as his other hand slid to squeeze her throat harshly. “We didn't keep you here to whore around, stop begging to get fucked and do your job.” He pushes her away and fixes his suit.

Lucia was left surprised and disappointed when Seongjin left the floor. “The other one is better tho..” She mumbles while walking to the railing watching Hyunjin greeting other princes with you. “Only if this woman wasn't here, he would have been mine.” She huffs sipping her wine. “He was so submissive, look at what a beast she made him..”

“The wine is for guests, miss Lucia.” The voice sends shivers down her body as she turns around quickly bowing to Robert. “Sorry, I was just a bit thirsty..”  He gives her a cold glare, holding a plate of champagne on his fingers, he fixes his bow tie. “Lord is married, at least now stop dreaming about being the Queen.”

Her head lowered in guilt, she knew it was hopeless. “Put on your uniform and get back to work.” Robert as a head butler commands, Lucia nods.

Hyunjin interlaces your fingers and leads you to the front balcony of the palace. Looking down to the subjects of the kingdom. They weren't happy to see you marrying Hyunjin, They weren't happy to see him as a king. The whole kingdom hated how things turned upside down, everyone blamed you, saying stuff like it was all your plan.

“Attention please.”  The Chancellor of Hyunjin—Mr Lee— spoke standing beside you. All the people down there looked up, maintaining silence.  Mr. Lee Signs his attendant to bring the golden plate. She steps forward accidentally pressing her foot on Hyunjin’s white cape. She quickly pulls back and starts a track of apologizing.

Hyunjin shoots her a death glare but ignores her pleas, since it was a special day today. “Please, continue.” He speaks with a small smile, his eyes shining with pride when he looks down at the subjects. The attendant comes beside you, you glance at Hyunjin before making eye contact with Mr. Lee. He slides the satin fabric off from the plate revealing a silver-white crown with three green diamonds on it.

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