Chapter 10 : Devil in the God 's dress [🔞]

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Sheets crumbled beneath him when he squirms around in search of you. His siren eyes clicked open seeing you kinda away from him–it felt like miles. His eyes wandered on your bare back and those beautiful moles on them. His fingers traced your spine making your skin shiver and a sigh left your lips. You rolled off sleepily while he moved closer to you. His right hand snakes up to your neck giving it a slight squeeze. He nuzzles his face in your hair inhaling the soft scent of love and regret. His lips claimed your skin once again but this time it was lazy kisses while his face disappeared in your hair yet his lips were attached to your neck.

Your eyes opened wide when you felt him sucking on your neck, his body snuggled against yours. A sudden realization pretended to hit you as you sat up holding sheets to your chest. He pulled away, seeing you tense when you rested your back against the headboard. He loved the way sunrays teased your blue eyes making it a pool of Caribbean ocean. “Good morning..” He spoke with a satisfied grin as he lay on his stomach, resting his chin on his arms straight looking into your eyes.
“What have…I done..” You spoke in disbelief you didn't want to admit the sin you performed last night. One of your palms goes to cover your mouth as your eyes digs in nothingness. A bitter chuckle leaves Hyunjin’s mouth. “Oh come on.. You like it or else You wouldn't have been screaming my name to death yesterday.”  He looks at you with a dirty smirk. You uncovered your mouth and looked at him with a frown. “ wrong.” A crack could be heard in your voice. Once again the devil laughs as he sits up pulling himself closer to you. “Everything is fair in love and war baby..” His manly voice was hoarse which makes you rub your thighs together under the sheets.

“Hyunjin..We are not supposed to do this..” His fingers rams through your brownish hair until his thumb rubs your lower lips. “We already did, honey.” He whispered his lips twitching up before lifting your chin up as he smashes his lips against your with a soft kiss. Your eyes closed burying the worry and guilt for sometime. Your body was his slave, and your heart always surrendered to him. “Please..” You whispered pleading as you clutched on the sheet to your chest. “You can't back off Wei, it's too late for that.” His lips brush against your jaw, while his fingers unfold yours which hold the sheets in them.

He makes the sheet fall down and leans in to kiss your collarbone line which slides down to your cleavage. “I won't hesitate to grab your hair and drag you back to me, if you plan to back down.” He spoke cupping one of your breasts. His eyes storms in yours with a warning gaze.     
“But Seongji–”
“He isn't anyone here, I'm the real crown prince, you were supposed to be mine.” He gritted his teeth as his jaw clenches and you are somewhat afraid of his side. “Hyunj–” A Loud knock disturbs you as your heart raises with fear. What if they see you with Hyunjin, what will the whole kingdom think? That you slept with your brother-in-law. 
“Go open it.” You shoot a confused look to him while he acts Nonchalant and stretches his body away from you with a soft yawn.
“This morning is going to be full of surprises anyways ..” He yawned again as he got up to put on his clothes. You stayed in the position until he gave you a serious look and that immediately made you wear your nightgown. You put on the silk jack as the bang on the door continued. 

“Princess, oh my goodness!! Thank God you are fine.” Miss Bianchi spoke in a worried tone. Her eyes glisten as she grabs your both hands and you give her a confused look. “What happened Miss Bianchi?” She rubs your hand. “Princess thank god you had your room locked…that..that..shitty animal–” “Good morning Miss Bianchi..” Hyunjin came behind you smirking at her as her eyes went back and she gazed back and forth between you two while you avoided her gaze. Seeing you still in your nightgown with Hyunjin in your bedroom made it so obvious but she didn't have any time for this.                   
“Please follow me.” She spoke nervously and you both walked behind her as she took you upstairs. Your heart beat raised with every step and you kept glancing at Hyunjin being so casual when the whole mansion felt like a graveyard. Your steps halted when you saw guards peeking inside of the Lord's room. “What's going on?” Miss Bianchi took you past the crowd, your eyes stopped at Lucis holding Lady Hwang in her Wheelchair. Everything felt so overwhelming. What was happening?? The silence, the whispers, everything made you go dizzy. Miss Bianchi slowly opened the door half to Lord's room as everyone backed off and what you saw was so horrible as your heart dropped to your stomach. Your hand went to cover your mouth as you gasped, stumbling backwards until your back hit Hyunjin’s tall figure.

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