Chapter 5 : Act fool [🔞]

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**********🔞SMUT WARNING🔞********

Your head turned back to the cold dark corridor, yet no trace of Hyunjin. Your brows pulled together in worry. you didn't see him at the ball either. Where did he disappear? And why? Your steps came to halt making seongjin stop too. "Can I just...uhm check on him for a minute?" Seongjin tried hard not to roll his eyes at the moment. "Princess, it's a special night for us, please just focus on me. He must be in his room, he doesn't like to go out in public." You wanted to believe Seongjin's words but something in you told you that wasn't the case. Yet you didn't want to hurt your now husband and make him feel lonely so you looked back at the other end of the corridor where hyunjin's room was and looked back in front of you as you entered the white door with seongjin.

Seeing the bed decorated with rose petals made your cheeks glow pink as you cleared your throat. "I will....go fresh up.." Seongjin Said and he goes to Washroom leaving you alone. You took off the veil and stood in front of the mirror Slowly setting your long hair free which bounces and reaches your waist. You pulled the ribbons of the gown as it loses letting you breath after the whole wedding session, how suffocating it was. Your eyes caught the reflection of your prince, shirtless only on his trousers. He smirked seeing you glare at his well built body. He steps behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist, inhaling your sweet scent and nuzzling his face in your soft hair.

"Today was tiring, wasn't it?" His voice muffled as he looks up, kissing your cheek, making you smile. "Hm...but I enjoyed the ball." You remembered how sensually he touched you in front of everyone because you are his wife now. Seongjin kisses down your neck and shoulder, his fingers trails up helping you get out of the gown. A shy blush appeared on your face when you stood there in your white undergarments, your little golden brown skin shone with your hazel eyes. "I'm good at french kissing." You looked at Seongjin with confusion, his thumb making a small circle on your back and reaching the hook of the bra. "I can always give you a french kiss between legs." His flirting turned your cheeks a bit pink.

He picked you up and took you to the bed as he pushed the pale white curtains aside, placing you down. A shy page covers your face because no matter how strong a woman you were, you were still his princess. He brushes those little brown strains aside and caresses your face taking his time to observe your body. "Gosh, you have no idea princess.." He leans in kissing your pinkish lips gently. "I've been waiting for this night ever since I found you." His fingers go down between your breasts as he slides down the bra and leaned closer. His fingers are now tracing the outline of your breast. Your eyes were shut just feeling every blood cell in your body rush with heat.

"I love you, you know that right?" Your breath hitched his tongue circling on your hardened nipple and a low hum left your mouth with your head falling back. A soft moan reached out of your lips when you felt his large hand massaging your other breast, his eyes gazed around his movement, memorizing every detail and flickering his tongue from time to time. He loved how you melted under his touch and how easy you were for him. Your moans soon filled the room with a honey scent. His fingers trailed down to your panties, slowly tracing patterns on your abdomen seeing if you can resist but here you were getting painted by his tongue and teeth on your breast, lost in pleasure. Once he confirmed, he slipped his hand under your pantie, rubbing his fingers against your folds which only caused you to bite your lips and arching your back slightly

Before he could get started with any real thing he pulls your panties away and makes you spread your legs gently while he kneels between them and admires the view. "" His arms snakes around himself as his eyes draw stars on your body from far away which also gazes up and down. "You are...a fucking...beautiful art.." Thousands of butterflies fill you up as your thighs rub against each other and a soft palm goes to cover your shy cheeks. "P-please.."

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