Chapter 4

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Han's pov
I was sitting on my bed watching  the wall, for god's sake my sister almost lost her baby or maybe her life because of me...what the hell did I get myself into?
How I am going to face any of them? What's makes everything worse is the documents that I signed...tony could do anything to me...ask anything from me...what if he tells me to kill someone, I froze at the thought.
"you are a damn idiot jisung" I murmured clenching my jaw...but it us not like I had another choice, I don't want people close to me to know about what I did.

I am causing enough trouble yet they can't stop for caring for me...i want them to let me be...i am a lost cause...i have no goal in life, maybe finding minho hyung was before but not is been six years...wherever he is wherever happened to him....i don't think that he will come back to me now. I know sister...they are tired of me... I am made my decision...a decision that I should have made years ago...i am going to leave as soon as I get a little better...i will probably spend my life running from tony but at least they will get rid of me... Wait but what if that the man goes to felix or I stuck here? Is my life bonded to that criminal now?

A knock on the door pulled me out of my thoughts before it was opened revealing my sister.
"jisung" she said approaching me...i looked away in shame, I couldn't even look at her..." I am sorry I couldn't come to see you earlier the doctor told me I should rest in bed for two days"she added, that's right it's been two days since everything happened...two days since I started questioning my whole existence.
"are you okay?" I whispered swallowing a sob.
"I am fine...little jimin is good too, he wants his uncle to to get better to see him"she replied making me glance at her with teary eyes...she had a small happy smile on his face.

"you should hate me" I said shaking my head.
"there is no way I could have you jisung..."
"I hurt you...hell I hurt the little baby...what type of brother I am...what type of uncle I am? How could you forgive me?" I yelled cutting her off...
"then you should make it up to us"she said with a raised eyebrow.
"if you want me and jimin to forgive you then you need to do something to us" she cut me off"get better...move on"she added grabbing my hand.
I glanced at her hand then back at her" it is too late now" I answered.
"it is never too late... you are still young jisung, hell you are twenty three years old you still have your whole life ahead of have have little have Felix, jeongin seungmin...and jihyo" she said making me chuckle.

"I am sure jihyo noona will shot me in the head if she sees me" I replied, I don't blame her...i hurt her wife...her brother...and her a lot of times... I made every person around me suffer for years, I don't deserve any of them.
Before the woman could say anything the room was opened revealing my mom and right behind her there was my is been a year since i saw him after he left with his girlfriend...for my mom since she married Mr Kim I tried to stay away from the the best as I could...i don't recall when was the last time I saw her...i heard that she was out of the country with Mr Kim too.

"jisung dear god" my mom said as tears fell down her cheeks, she was scanning me with wide eyes...even my dad looked worried.
"I think I look that bad" I said rolling my eyes, tony and his men hit me too hard after all...i have no idea how bruised my face is...i didn't see it.
"mina are you okay?" my dad asked pulling the girl toward him.
"I am fine dad" she replied hugging him" I miss you" she added.
"who did this to you?" my mother said caressing my hair, I pulled immediately away making her sigh.
"go back to your husband and leave me alone" I said looking away...i know I am acting like a child but the woman married the man who destroyed our family...i can't get over from that.

"jisung, we talked with said you don't remember...if you know you should..."
"as I said I didn't see their faces" I cut my dad off"now if you excuse me I want to sleep" I added making all of them go silence.
"I think we should let jisung rest for now...let me take you to meet your grandson"mina announced, I didn't even look at them once until they left, I started at the door blankly before I busted into tears...i hate this...i hate myself...i hate my father for leaving us...i hate my mother for marrying that man...and I hate minho hyung for what he did to me...and that man...hwang hyunjin....i clenched my hands in anger as soft sobs left my throat.

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