Chapter 18

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Felix's pov
"so we went on another date hyung...and it was so good..."
"hyuny" I jumped in surprise when I heard jeongin yell.
"what is wrong?" I asked clearing my throat.
"I was telling you about my date with seungmin hyung, but you zoned out" the younger said with a frown.
"oh, sorry...i am really happy for you " I replied giving a wide smile, I always wanted them to get together to be first they were looking for someone to forget but I saw both men fall in love with each other...and they didn't even realize it or try to admit their feeling out loud at least...still holding into the past.

The past, just like jisung did...and I long are we going to keep on hurting each other like this?
Mistakes we have hyunjin...can't we just carry on with our life? Minho hyung clearly made a decision to leave...but so did hyunjin? What if he did not want to leave...what if he had a reason or perhaps the mafia threatened him...but what if he did move on from us? What if he had built a life for it is six is not a short period...i am supposed to believe that he did not get with anyone during that much time...wait...we didn't see hyunjin for six..."
"you really should tell me what is going on?"jeongin said his voice seemed louder then normal.
"it is nothing..."

"I apologize for hiding the fact that minho hyung is my brother hyung but always told me about everything...seeing you like this worries it something to do with hyunjn? " the younger got me looking genuinely worried.
"I am not angry at you jeongin...i am hurt but I can't hate you for something like was your decision...but han is hid the fact that Minho is alive for a whole year...well for me you had a good reason"I paused taking a deep breath " yesterday I learned that my sister told hyunjin six years ago that he should leave jisung and I... and we are better of with him" I added.

"what? Did hyunjin told you..."
"no Mina Noona was angry and she said it without thinking....hyunjin did not even mention it I did not seen him since yesterday morning" I cut jeongin off.
"well, I don't think that hyunjin hyung left just because she told him to" jeongin argued.
"of course he didn't...but she contributed to that...maybe what she said was the last thing he needed before he made his decision" I said making him nod.
"it sounds bad but look at the bright side hyunjin is back...are you getting back together?" he asked with a wide smile trying to chance the mood.

"well if you think a couple of make-outs means that we are back then yes...we are back...but neither of us said it out loud"I said playing with my pen.
"what about jisung hyung?" jeongin asked.
"surprisingly he was the one who told me he was ready to give hyunjin a chance if I wanted...let's not forget about the two being married..."I froze mid-sentence as my eyes turned wide...jeongin and seungmin don't know about the contract thing.
"excuse me now what?" the younger yelled jumping from his seat, shit han is going to be so pissed at me...but chan and changbin hyung already know...there is no point on hiding this from him.

"well you see" I scratched my head before I started to tell him about the whole story about Han and that man.
"hyunjin hyung really got out of hand...damn...i have never thought he will go that far" jeongin said shaking his head at that moment his phone started to ring" It is Seungmin Hyung...don't cost me to keep this from him"he added making me nod.
"it is okay."I hummed.

"I will have to go, we are going for lunch together " he said making me chuckle.
"another date...don't you think you will get bored of each other" I teased
"at least I am having dates.. Why don't you man up and asked one of your boyfriends or both out you chicken" the younger answered sticking his tongue at me before he left the office leaving me shocked...this kid...i am a chicken....i blinked my eyes confused before I leaned into my seat...a date with the boys doesn't seem that bad...maybe it will be things off my I need to talk to hyunjin... I grabbed my phone and called the older...

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