Chapter 7

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Han's pov
"judging by your face it was Felix" I started at the older who had a sad smile on his face.
"mind telling me where the hell both of you were all this time?" I yelled staring at chan and changbin hyung....after I left for felix's house they stopped in front of me while I was walking down the streets telling me that they wanted to talk like nothing had they didn't disappeared for a whole six years...i only agreed because I am curious about what they have to here I am standing in the middle of an unfamiliar house listening to what they have to say.

"I went to live with my brother...i took my mom with me to take care of her...i wanted to get away from my father"chan hyung said.
"and you cut contact with all of us because of that" I said chukcling" and why the hell did changbin hyung leave with you" I added.
"at the time I was angry at seungmin" the second oldest said.
"you are making no sense and the moment...what does any of what you said explain why you stopped talking with us?"I yelled feeling pissed.
"says the one who cut us out of his life for a year after we thought minho hung died" changbin said.

"it was for a year and I had family took me....and I was ashamed....i was ashamed that I tried to kill myself....i didn't know how to face you...but just leave after the mess that happened...hell we found out minho is alive...we couldn't tell anyone about it...only seven of us know about the truth...and the three of you left...which brings me to my question...where the hell is hwang hyunjin?" I said glaring at the two.
"I am sorry I didn't mean to..."
"I asked you a question hyung...hyunjin...where is he?" I cut changbin hyung off.
The two glanced at each other without saying a word making me sigh.

"you know where he is right....he owes me an explanation..."
"he wants to meet you"chan hyung said.
"then where the hell is he?" I yelled...these two are getting on my damn nerve.
"I am here" I froze when I heard the familiar voice...i looked toward the stairs to see hyunjin...he looks so mature...kind of elegant unlike the teenager I knew...his hair now was long and he dyed it blonde...the only thing that didn't change was his held the same look he always had whenever he looked at me years ago...full of care and love...and I hate it...

"you damn bastard I am going to...."
"jisung calm down" chan hyung said grabbing me by my arm, stopping me from reaching the taller.
"hyung I swear to god if you don't let go of me this instant I will hit you" I yelled struggling to get out of his grip.
"guys could you leave us?" hyunjin said getting closer.
"yes let go so I can beat him up nicely" I said glaring at the other.
"are you sure?" changbin asked making hyunjin nod calmly...why I am the only one who is making a scene right now? How are they so calm and composed?
Chan hyung let go of me before he left with changbin leaving me confused.

"are you going to hit me yet?" hyunjin asked he was standing a couple of steps in front of me.
I swallowed hard looking at the taller...what this is now?
"why?" I asked trying to calm myself down.
"I had reasons" he replied tilting his head to the side" I am presuming that you are asking why I left,"he added.
"hwang are you kidding me? You lied to us...forget about the M life about the fact that minho hyung is alive...then you just disappeared without a trace now you are standing in front of me like nothing happened?"I yelled grabbing him by his collar.

"for minho hyung at first I didn't know...and when I found out he asked me not to say anything...he wanted to keep you and Felix safe until he takes care of kang" he said looking inside my eyes.
"kang is dead where the hell is he?"I yelled shaking him...there was this possibility that I thought about when the two disappeared....i thought the two left together...and left Felix and I...and it made me hate hyunjin even more...i got hell of jealous thinking that minho hyung chose him.
"I don't know" he said making me clench my jaw.
"stop lying" I yelled pushing him back.
"I am not....the last time I saw him was six years ago...he went missing again" he said fixing his shirt.

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