Chapter 30

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Minho's pov
The older was looking at me with wide shocked eyes, his face was pale as if he had just seen a ghost...
" body is was confirmed...i thought someone was messing me me" minchul said shaking his head" this is not true...i came here to talk with hyunjin thinking that he was messing with me...i...what the hell is happening"he added.
"well my dear brother I am not dead...that's all you need to know" I answered.

"like how..." he stopped midsentence when his eyes fell on the knife in my hand."why are you carrying a damn knife?" he asked gulping.
"why...are you perhaps scared?" I asked him back giving the older the most terrifying cold expression I could master he seemed taken aback by what I said but he deserved it...if it was bit because of him kang wouldn't have entered our life but I can't just blame him...i was the one who tried hard to impress him...I was just some damn idiot... stupid teenager that had no idea about the real world.
"did you lose your damn mind? Why the hell are you talking like this? Who's body was it? Where were you all these years?"he yelled glaring at me.

"none of your business" I replied simply.
The older's expression turned into a pissed one before he walked closer to grab me by my collar.
"mom is still suffering until this day because of you...she thinks you are dead...a damn body was found...all of us thought you are dead...father..."
"I don't give a damn minchul...and don't act like you do...weren't you in the US with your little boyfriend?"I said chuckling.
"let go of him" han yelled glaring at my brother, I glanced at him shaking my head" but..."
"you damn selfish bastard...did you kill that boy and buried him to take your death...for what reason? And how did you change the DNA results" minchul said shaking me.

"oh enough" Jisung said pushing the older one off me.
"did you know about this? Did all of you work together on this? You just acted hurt all these years..."
"minchul leave and go back from where you came...this is your last warning" I cut him off.
"or what minho? What are you going to do?"he asked pushing me back...I bite my lips trying to calm myself " Are you going to kill me or what? When did the pathetic boy who followed me around like a damn lost puppy go? Should I be scared of him"he added chuckling.
"you just found out that your brother us alive and you are..."
"he lied...he could have told us he is alive but he is a selfish bastard...just like you han jisung...and the rest of your messed up relationship...I will make all of you pay hard for this I swear...I will..."

I felt my blood boil hearing the man's words and without thinking I threw a punch toward hue jaw making him fall backward.
"listen to me you bitch talk to him like that...and you will see who will make the other pay...just as I said....go back from where you came...i don't want to see your damn face ever again...tell anyone about me and believe me you will regret have no idea who you are messing with minchul" I said grabbing him by his collar "hyunjin is not the only one who knows about what you did years ago" I whispered into his ears making sure han didn't hear me...the terrified look that was on his face when I pulled back was priceless.

I stood up laughing at the older who was confused as hell" out now" I said pointing at the door.
"you deserve all that happened to and your lovers...i hope you rot in hell" Minchul said before he ran out of the house....chicken.
"you hurt your hand because of him" jisung said taking my hand into his gently." he is not even worth it"he added with pouty lips.
"yeah" I hummed.
"what if he tells someone..."
"he won't"I cut him off.
"how are you sure of that?"the younger asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I just know...why the hell would seunghee tell him about me though?" I asked rubbing my forehead.

"she probably thought that he will cause us problems...i don't know...hyung I hate this....i hate how silent she is being"han said with a frown on his face...i hate it too...what is happening inside that woman's head for god's sake?
"don't worry about it...i will figure this out love" I replied trying to calm him down...i don't want him to overthink this....i am doing that for both of us...
Before jisung could say another word my phone started to ring..
"excuse me" I said answering it.

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