Chapter 20

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Felix's pov
"raise and shine love" I said as I saw han open his eyes slowly.
"oh, shit my head hurts" he groaned trying to get up but he ended up leaning on the bed frame.
"well you drank a lot last night" he said chuckling.
"Why didn't you stop me? I do stupid embarrassing things when I am drunk"he said pouting.
"you do that even when you are sober baby" I said making the older roll his eyes" so you don't remember last night" I added with a small smile.

"what did I do?" he asked his eyes turning wide.
"I don't know" I teased.
"lee talk" he yelled pulling me toward him.
"it is nothing just made out in the middle of the streets with hyunjin" I answered making him freeze.
"I did what..."
"and you called him pretty and actually was the one who asked him to kiss you...and you did not like it when he pecked you..."
"shut up" he cut me off shaking his head.
"what is wrong? You are going to give him a chance right...but you did not make a move I think alcohol gave you courage" I told jisung who pushed me back.
"It is not funny" he groaned.

"you really don't is a two were too hot like damn I was going to..."
"I will hit you with my slipper if you don't shut up" jisung said making me eyes widen
"Clearly you are still drunk..."
"Felix it is embarrassing " he cut me off.
"so you did not want to kiss him...and you don't find him hot...the alcohol brought the thoughts and desire that you buried deep inside you jisung...just admit it" I answered with a wide smirk seeing as his cheeks turned red.
" is you said I don't even remember it" he argued.
"oh, you want to kiss him when you were sober for you to remember it..."

I was pulled down to the bed with the older above me.
"you are enjoying yourself too much" he said with a raised eyebrow.
"oh believe me you have no kissed hyunjin and called him was a dream came true" I replied pecking his cheek.
"it is happened I guess" he hummed making me nod" Felix"he added looking serious all of a sudden.
"what?" I asked with a friend.
"do you think we are going to get minho hyung back? " he asked.
" I have faith in hyunjin..."
"why can't he just tell us? All of us could work together to find him, it is not like we can't protect ourselves no one appointed hyunjin as our protector" he said getting up.

"if he is doing that it must be for a reason, I mean it is been six years you think a member of a strong  family as the shins won't be able to reach minho hyung if the mafia wasn't strong..."
"then it is the serpents kang worked for them...or the dark stone or the..."
"stop...please just stop" I said grabbing his hands.
"do you want him back? Do you really want him back? "he asked with teary eyes, it is true that I have my doubts from time to time...but i want him back to "let me ask this using another you still love minho hyung?" he added
"I do...i am just scared that the doesn't...i am just scared that he is going to hurt you again...but I miss him...i am worried about him...and I want him back... however hyunjin is right...let's be careful around this mafia...when the time comes...and if it is supposed to happen we will get him the meantime we need to stay calm and safe"he said caressing his cheek.

"sorry" I cut him off when my phone started to ring.
"jeongin" I added getting out of his bed.
"what?" I said with wide eyes making jisung frown.
"okay...okay...i will checked " I said hanging up.
"what happened?" han asked walking closer as I checked my phone.

The CEO of shin's corp and lee corp's where seen last night kissing...hwang hyunjin was just declared as the heir of the group and the two companies had already announced a collaboration, our intel had informed us that Mr hwang is married in secrecy is the young CEO cheating on his partner?

Right after the news a picture of hyunjin and I from last night were shown...M was there...they were watching us.
"this is M's work" jisung murmured.
"you bet" I said shaking my head" what are they going to gain from a scandal like this"I added.
"I mean a cheating rumor between the heirs of two big companies is going to highly affect your image...and by that the companies "han answered making me hum...they started messing things up I guess.
"what are you planning to do?" he added.

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