Chapter 29

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Hyunjin's pov
I watched as minho hyung caressed han's hair before he glanced at felix...i smiled when I see him lean in to kiss his hair...we just finished watching the third part of Harry Potter before the two fell asleep cuddling...
"hey where are you going?" I asked surprised when I saw minho get up.
"I better leave..."
"no spend the night here" I cut him kff getting off the bed...we watched the movies in my room...I have a big tv here it was more comfortable to just lay down together and forget about all our problems.

"I want to try and sleep I am tired" he is true...i can see dark circles under his eyes.
"you could sleep here" I said with a frown.
"no I can't" he answered taking a deep breath.
"what is wrong?" I asked scanning the older who glanced at the sleeping two.
"I don't want to scare you"he murmured.
"why would you..."
"I have nightmares every night hyunjin...i told you I want to try and sleep... keyword try...i forget about the last time slept like a normal always ends up with me waking up screaming"he cut me off taking me off guard.

"but that night...i saw asleep..."
"I was not...i was pretending...and I saw you mess with my phone "he said looking away.
"so you knew about the tracking app...why did not you say anything? Or delete it?" I asked getting closer to him.
"maybe because deep down I wanted you to come and find" he said looking at me with doe eyes.
"hyung" I whispered taking his hands into mine.
"it is stupid..."
"it is not" I cut him off shaking my head" There is nothing wrong in wanting to be with us again hyung...please understand it...what happened is part of the past...we should only focus on our future" I added.

"I know" he said biting his lips" I want this...i want to be with you again...i just hope nothing bad will happen...i was afraid...i am afraid that if I get my hopes up I will get disappointed at the end...seunghee is into something jin...if she hurts you or any of the boys I will lose my damn mind"he added.
I get from where he comes from...i do, I would have thought the same if I were him...but now is not the right time to hold back...i don't want to take hundreds of steps back when we take one forward.
"listen to me hyung" I said pulling him closer" This is our fight is either we make it through this together or fail together" I added caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"I love you so damn much hwang...i am sorry for messing everything up"he said making chuckle.
"I guess both of us had a fair share kf messing things up for jisung and felix so i need to feel guilty around me...nor with them in a matter of fact" I said pecking his lips" and I love you too" I added.
I felt my heart skip a beat when I saw him was a genuine one that me feel so pleased that I succeeded in making him smile.
I was taken off guard when the older pulled me by my waist and kissed me hard, I immediately kissed him back earning a moan from him.

"I feel betrayed" the both of us pulled away to glance back toward the bed...the two youngest were watching us jisung had a smirk on his face whole felix was just...looking I guess.
Han jumped from the bed pulling minho toward him"you waited for us to sleep to have fun"he added scanning the other older's face.
"it was unplanned" I said chuckling.
"well it could become..."
"minho hyung can we talk?"felix cut jisung off taking all of us off guard.
"yeah sure" minho said clearing his throat before he took a couple of steps back from Jisung.
"what is wrong lix?" the later asked looking worried.

"don't worry they will be right back" I said back hugging him as we watched the two leave.
"hanie, let them" I cut him off.
"is something wrong between them?"he asked facing me fully.
"they need to talk...alone...just like you and i had our talk with minho hyung, felix has the right to do that too" I answered making him sighed and nod.
"can I have a kiss though?" I added.
"you don't need to ask me each time hyunjin" he said rolling his eyes.
"I just thought it would make you uncomfortable we still didn't get that close...and you did not say..."I stopped midsentence biting my lips.

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