Chapter 25

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Felix's pov
I just ran...after hearing what chan hyung told us I just ran...i have no idea how I drove to the hospital....everything seems blurry....everything seems like a dream.
"where is he?" I yelled as soon as my eyes fell on changbin hyung who was leaning on the wall outside the operating room.
"you went with him for a damn reason...where we you when he was stabbed who did this?" han yelled after me grabbing the older by his collar.
"jisung enough" chan hyung said getting the younger off his boyfriend.

"he told me to wait in the car, he would just grab the file and come back"changbin hyung said drying his tears" I would have left him...if I knew...i am sorry " he added.
"I should have left him alone...i should have went with him..."
"and do what?" a voice cut jisung out of nowhere making me freeze.
"hyung" han said with wide eyes as our eyes fell on minho hyung who was hiding in the corner, he was in disguise as usual.
"I asked you a question jisung and do what? Do you think you could have protected him from M?" the older asked.
"M did this?" I yelled clenching my jaw.

"she did...and she is going to pay for it...with her own life" minho hyung said looking at his hands which were covered with blood...his voice was dripping with hatred and anger...wait did he say she?
"M is a girl?" chan hyung asked before I could while jisung was staring at minho blankly."hyunjin was right"he added
The older hummed crossing his hands above his was hard to see his expression because of the mask and cap but his eyes looked red from here...he cried.
"who is she?" I asked swallowing hard when he stared right at me.

Before he could answer the surgeon alongside his team left the operating room.
"Mr lee" he said bowing his head" he is doing well thankfully the knife did not hit a major organ...he will wake up soon don't worry" the man said before he left.
"thank god" changbin hyung said fighting his tears back.
"you didn't..."
I stopped mid sentence when I looked to where minho was standing to see none...
"where the hell did he go?" I asked looking around with wide eyes.
"he...he left" han murmured...he just disappeared...i guess it is his thing now...disappearing without telling anyone.

"did he tell you who is this woman?"I asked changbin who shook his head.
"damn it"I yelled running my hand through my hair.
"don't worry seungmin is going to find her identity...and if he did not we could go through Hyunjin's files..."
"or lee minho could tell us who is she?"  cut chan hyung off taking a deep breath...i hate the fact that minho and hyunjin keeps in hiding things from us just to keep us safe as they say...look what that got hyunjin...he is laying down in a hospital bed because of his thick is my fault for agreeing to let him go...but never again...this is about to change.

"hyunjin is going to wake up soon he will tell us..."
"didn't you hear what minho hyung said...he went to kill her.... What if he gets hurt"han finally spoke since forever.
The oldest two shared a worried look" we need to find him" chan announced.
"how are we going to do that..."
"hyunjin installed a tracking program inside his phone the other is should be linked to his you have his phone?" chan hyung said looking at changbin.
"yeah the nurse gave it to me" the other said taking it out of his pocket.

"you know the password..."
"no need for that you or jisung can open it with your fingerprint...hyunjin added them just in case" chan hyung said taking my finer before he pressed on the screen...and it opened...
"give that to me" han snatched the phone out of the older's grip, he was so just frozen a few minutes ago and now he was back to yelling...his brain stops functioning when he sees Minho.
"let me take care of that" chan sighed as jisung struggled to look for the app let alone open it.
"just do it" han said rolling his eyes.
"he is moving" chan said with a frown.
"where is he going? We should follow him" I answered trying to see the map.

"he went to Mr yun's house" the older said with a frown.
"Mr yun..."
"the owner of the library yes they are working together for some reason...hyunjin did not find out about that yet" changbin cut me off.
"we should follow him..."
"absolutely not...he will find out about the tracking up..."
"then why the hell did we used it "han yelled earning a few stares from people who were passing me.
"does hyunjin have his number?" is sked making all eyes fall on me.
"yes why?" chan asked.
"I have an idea...let's call him" I replied.

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