Chapter 2

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Han's pov
I opened my eyes slowly feeling a soft matters under me...where am I?
I stood out of the bed walking around the unfamiliar room, how did I come here? I remember going to a club then...wait...i was arrested and then...felix...i rubbed my forehead leaving the room, I heard some noise coming from somewhere so followed the sound.
As soon as I reached the kitchen I saw Felix cooking he was humming a song as he prepared breakfast I guess.

He looked behind him to lock eyes with me "Jisung you woke up" he said looking surprised to see me.
"I did" I answered looking away" I have to go..."
"I prepared breakfast for us..."
"I am not hungry " I said making the younger sighed.
"where the hell you are planning to do exactly jisung, you pushed me pushed your family lost your house..."
"you chose to leave me lee" I yelled making his eyes widen and then look down."it was just you and just gave up on us...why because you lost hyunjin" I added.

"jisung we tried dating after the two left but you didn't want to let go of minho hyung...don't blame my feeling a for hyunjin...i loved him and I loved minho hyung I still do but they left us...i told you if you want me you need to forget about him because I am done with wasting my life waiting for them...they made a decision so did you...don't blame me" he yelled back at me.
"you gave me no other choice, we minho hyung is dead...they found a freaking body we don't even know what happened...then he disappeared again..."
"after he shot you and killed Mr kang" he said walking toward me.

"so you are telling me that you are not angry at hyunjin and..."
"I am mad at both of them, we need an explanation but the two left are wasting your life like is been six years...i am sure they moved on with their lives...maybe you and I are not together anymore...but I care about were my best friend before all this" he cut me off" you are making this hard for you and all of us...i don't want to see you like this...picking you out of police stations...if it was not for seungmin..."
"you could both go to hell, I have never asked you to help me"I said pushing him away.

"just look at you...i understand from where you are coming from but this...this is not it jisung...i am as worried as you...curious as you but you are destroying yourself "he said grabbing my hand."do you think I did not look for them...i did but it is like they disappeared off this need to get back on your feet do something with your life..."
"well I am sorry Mr lee not everyone is so stable and calm to just live his life normally after seeing the man he loved alive before he went missing again" I said taking my hand out of his grip with force" if I am such a disappointment then stop coming after me" I added glaring at him.

"why don't you understand...i want you to get better...all of us are worried for you...hell your sister is pregnant and she has to worry about you...jisung have been doing this for the past years...please just for me...stop it"he started as a yell but then his voice turned much calmer...i gulped as he reached back toward me hugging me"I am begging you"he whispered...i felt myself lean into his touch, I miss him too much but that day didn't leave my head...i hate this about me...i can't just let go and when it comes to minho hyung it becomes worse...i thought he was dead then he just showed up in front of me to disappear again...

hyunjin also left as soon as the police let go of him so we don't know about anything...what is weird is that chan and changbin hyung left too alongside chan's mother his father looked everywhere but he didn't find anything is..we lost all contact of them six years ago.
"just like they moved on with their lives you should do that too...there is no point in fighting for me...i am a lost cause.." I said storming out of the house not stopping after I heard him yell...he us better off without me...he built a stable life for himself...a life I have no place in.

I took a deep breath walking down the streets, I have no place to go I just want to get away from his house as fast as I could, I hate the way he looks at me...i hate the fact that he feels sorry for me...hell this was my first time in his house, I made sure to keep my distance from the younger but each time I get myself in trouble he runs to save the day...and I get in trouble a a lot.
I was going to cross the street when a black big car cut me way.

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