Chapter 31

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Hyunjin's pov
"why didn't he come back?" jisung asked for the hundred time...we were having breakfast together and he kept asking about why minho hyung did not come back yesterday.
"love, he called us...he needs to stay there for now" Felix answered making me nod in agreement.
"baby, he will come when he could" I said pecking Jisung's cheek who sighed but hummed.
"that woman, soyeon...she thinks that hyung is hoseok...aren't you afraid? Like what if something happens between them?" han said clenching his jaw.

Felix and I shared a look before we busted into laughs earning confused yet angry stares from the shorter.
"why the hell are you laughing at me?"he asked.
"you have been so restless since yesterday because you are jealous" Felix said amused.
"you are not..."
"no because we know minho hyung won't do it..."
"do you think I don't trust us not it...I don't trust that woman" han yelled jumping off his seat.
"I have never thought jealous jisung would be this cute" I teased earning a glare from him.

"relax baby, we are just joking around...we did not mean that you don't trust him....hyunjin enough" Felix said pulling the other into his arms" leave my baby alone" he added playfully glaring at me.
"I apologize"I replied throwing my hands in the air" I will have to get ready for work see you" I added leaving toward my room to get a shower and change.
My smile immediately dropped when I stepped into the shower, I can't stop thinking about minho hyung...felix is right his life is in is jisung I hate that he is away from us...i just don't them to worry much.

I felt hot water fall on my skin making me relax a bit...i am looking everywhere for seunghee but it is like she has disappeared from this earth...she is still after us of course, it is obvious after minchul showed up the guards... The one's who were supposed to stay near the house...chan hyung tried to call them but he did not reach them...
I was lost inside my thoughts before I felt a hand on my arm before I was span around to be met with jisung who was fully clothed...
"did you have fun teasing me hwang?" he said pinning me against the wall.
"jisung what are you..."
I was taken off guard when he crashed our lips together, I started to kiss him back but he pulled away giving a wide smirk.
"that's payback honey" he said trying to step out of the shower.
"oh no you are going to finish what you have started" I replied pulling him back toward me.......

Felix's pov
I shook my head knowing how it is going to end as soon as jisung walked after hyunjin.
I chuckled walking out of the house" to the company sir?" my driver asked
"yes" I replied leaning into my seat, I took my tablet out going through some work before I reached the office...i have been neglecting the company the past few is been hell of a mess.
"we are here sir" my driver said, I looked through the window confused before I thanked the man and walked out...i did not even realise that we had arrived...that was fast.

I entered the building nodding my head toward the workers who bowed down to me.
"hyung hold the door" jeongin yelled running the elevator.
"inie, good morning" I said chuckling at the younger who was catching his breath.
"I need to start exercising " he said shaking his head.
"you don't exercise...i mean you are a model..."
"shhhh don't say that loud...boss will kick me out if he finds out" he cut me off before he busted into laughs.
"idiot" I murmured shaking my head" so tell is life Romeo?" I added.

" you tell me...i have one lover I am sure your life is more exciting than mine" he answered shaking his head...the elevator came to a stop before the two of us started to walk toward my office.
"well, a lot happened" I said taking a seat." and it is not about our love life"I added
"really what?" he asked confused...
"your brother came back"I said.
"minho hyung..."
"minchul"I cut him off making his eyes widen" and he knows about minho hyung"I added surprising him even more.
"what?" he yelled.
"yeah, but according to minho he won't say anything...i have a question for you though" I replied making the younger nod.

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