Chapter 32

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Hyunjin's pov
"you never said we should follow Ahn for you to hack his phone hyunjin" minho hyung said glaring at me as he drove the car.
"this is feels like a road trip" han who was in the back seat next to Felix said making minho hyung groan.
"baby this is serious" minho said.
"I am sorry hyung...but for me to access his phone or cameras in the meeting place I need to be close to him that's the only way... actually it is an app I"

"Einstein shut up...we are not interested in your nerdy stuff"  han yelled making me pout.
"you are mean" I said making the younger stick his tongue at me.
"I won't be able to understand anything you will only give me headaches" jisung said rolling his eyes.
"I have an idea of what to do to make that pain go away," I said throwing his a wink.
"I am still surprised of how could hyunjin turn immature when never he deals with jisung" Felix said.
"hey" han and I yelled at the same time.
"kids" minho and Felix said making all of us bust into laughs except minho hyung who was focusing on the road...okay this is not the right time to act like this.

"he stopped" minho said parking the car away from Ahn's."now what?" he added looking at me with big eyes.
"now, you watch" I answered with a wide smirk.
Ahn stepped out the the car looking around before he walked inside the building" can we get closer?" I asked minho who frowned.
"you know that this place is heavily guarded...the two leaders of the biggest mafias are meeting up...if we get closer they will catch you"he answered shaking his head.
"but I need to get closer hyung" I said making the older sighed...i can't connect with his phone the cameras if we stay this far.
"if I knew that this is what is going to take i would have brought you here damn it" minho said clenching his jaw.

"but we are here now...we can't back said it yourself the meeting is important we need to find out what it is about" Felix said making me nod in agreement.
"I understand hyunjin...but why the hell did the two of you had to come" minho said facing them fully.
"because we can't leave you alone..."
"it is not safe..."
"it is not safe for you either...we had this argument earlier is not going to change anything repeating the same conversation " han said looking serious...i hate the fact that the two youngest joined us too...but we can't stop them...we couldn't even bring some guards with us since it would make the place crowded and attract more attention...the rest were not informed of our plan either.

"we are wasting time" I said staring between them.
"damn two stay inside the car I swear to god I will make you regret it if you leave...make sure to keep your guards up...if you see someone coming your way just drive away..."
"what about hyunjin and you?"Felix asked.
"we will be fine...the glass of the car is bulletproof so just drive" minho said running his hand through his hair" either that or all of us are leaving,did I make myself clear?" he added.
"yes sir" jisung said making me roll my eyes...he shifted from being serious to this in a blink...he was really something.
"han" minho hyung said with a raised eyebrow.
"we won't hyung...just keep us updated" Felix said.

"that reminds me."I said taking the small bag I brought with me" put this in your ears...we can communicate through it"I added.
"what are you a secret government agent?" Felix joked looking at the small device.
"you never know darling" I sent him a wink making his eyes widen
"wait are you serious?" he asked.
" course no" I replied chuckling.
"at this point nothing surprise me."he murmured.
"come on" minho said leaving the car.
"I have to get used to the change of his behaviour...he went from my cute hyung to sexy man" han said checking minho who was outside.

"well he is still the cute..."
"nevermind" I stopped midsentence when I saw the older getting this gun out.
"be careful" Felix said making nod.
"I will...keep an eye on him please "I said pointing at jisung who started to whine, I shook my head following after minho.
"the opposite that good enough?" he asked.
"yes it is" I replied.
"stay behind me...and wear this" he said giving me a black mask as he fixed his.
I didn't question him before we started walking toward the other building.
"I think the roof is going to be a good place" I said, he glanced at me shaking his head.
"their men are probably there"he answered.

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