Chapter 22

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Han's pov
Neither Felix or I had an idea about what is going on...i mean a man judging by his physics, is pinning hyunjin on the door...i felt Felix getting angry and uncomfortable so I made eye first move to pull him why the he'll didn't hyunjin push him or for a person who is forced into that position he seemed unbothered...or is he forced? Maybe this is the man he had something with....the last thing I anticipated was to be met with minho hyung.

Like my whole world froze...i couldn't even talk...he removed his cap running his hand through his black hair as his eyes glanced between Felix who was behind  me...and I...i am lost of words...this is not a dream right...
"hello boys" the older said...did he just say hello?" are you going to keep in looking at me like this?" he added walking around the place.
"nice house you have here is big for you...oh right I presume you bought it for all of you to live here... excuse me all of us" minho hyung cut me off as he nodded his head....what the hell is he doing? Why is he acting like we did not met for years?

"hyung" the word finally escaped my throat...
"yes dear jisung...what is wrong?" he asked looking straight at me...when we locked eyes I felt a weird feeling...for the first time in my whole life I was card of looking at him...his once warm looks were now cold...he was staring with eyes empty of any is blank.
"minho hyung what the hell are you doing?" hyunjin said walking closer, I feel like i am brain dead...i can't think anymore...i am happy to see him here yet at the same time shocked by his weird behaviour.
"you said we need to tell them that you found me I am...did you tell them about that night too?" minho said with a little smile.

"what night?" Felix finally spoke, I felt him lock his hand into mine feeling how uncomfortable I am getting.
"oh, you lied to them again...hyunjin and I met a couple of days ago...and we slept together..."
"hyung" hyunjin yelled looking a hell of pissed as Felix and I stood shocked at what we just heard.
"hyunjin what is the meaning of this?"Felix asked.
Minho hyung chuckled jumping on the couch as he watched the scene closely.
"listen to me please....i was planning to tell you..."
"we agreed to not lie to each anymore" Felix cut him off walking closer.

"believe me I did not...i just didn't find the right time to do so...i was not planning to hide it I swear, that night...the day of our date I was going to tell you but he called me...i waited to meet him before telling you...but I made it sure that I will tell you" hyunjin answered shaking his head" I swear to you jisung...i was going to tell you before the door rang"he added looking at me.
I gulped looking at minho hyung was sitting calmly on the couch yet he had this satisfying grin on his face.
As soon as he locked eyes with me he sent me a quick wink.
"I see it now" I murmured, the smile on his lips slowly disappeared as he was the only one who heard me...felix was still arguing with hyunjin.

"stop it" I yelled making the two men look at me surprised.
"jisung he lied..."
"can't you see what he js trying to do?" I cut Felix off pointing at minho hyung who had frown on his face.
"that's what I am trying to say...he is playing with us" hyunjin said.
"I did no such thing hwang..."
"shut up" I cut minho off walking closer to him...he did not even flinch when I crunched down in front of him" you decided to leave me two time...first you wanted to protect me...and I don't even know why you joined the damn mafi"I added.
"it is none of your business..."
"you knew hyunjin is going to tell us sooner or later right...that's why you showed here mess things make us hate you and get angry at hyunjin....but this time hyung you can't trick me...i can see right through you"I cut him off...he seemed surprised for a spit of a second before he got up.

"keep on telling yourself that" he said pushing me back.
"he is right...i can't believe I am saying this...but what jisung said makes sense"Felix said making me look at him
"thank you" I answered rolling my eyes, But this is not the time for that.
"you are imaging things...i don't care about anyone of you anymore...i came here to tell you that...move on and forget that I had ever excited" minho hyung yelled looking pissed.
"you are just proving what we said" hyunjin answered as the three of us looked at the older...
"as I said stop coming after me...this your final warning" he said pointing his finger at us.

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