Chapter 9

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Han's pov
"damn it" I yelled hitting the bad with my fist....he lost his mind...he is crazy...what the hell did he do? I punched him multiple times yet I am still fuming with anger.
I am stuck inside this room, it is not like he locked me in using a key but I know like hell I can't leave because of the damn contract...i am married to hwang hyunjin based on a messed up contract...this is not marriage...the man literally controls my should kill him?

My eyes widened when I remembered that I didn't tell felix about this...hyunjin left earlier to god knows where...i don't even care he could go to hell.
I took my phone out dialling the younger's number " jisung" he said.
I was about to tell him but stopped...if he knows about hyunjin is he going to go back to him? Wait hyunjin is married to me now...if I tell him about that he is going to ask about how did this happened...and I am going to have to tell him about the whole tony mess....i wanted to leave Felix out of my messy life...i don't want to tell him about what happened...but I am sure he is going to find out sooner or later.
"jisung are you okay?" Felix yelled sounding worried that's when I realized I was spacing out.

"yes, yes I am fine" I replied.
"han, I need to tell you something"he said taking a deep breath"hyunjin is back "he added making me clench my jaw....i told him to stay away from Felix yet he went directly to him.
"I know"I answered.
"he talked to you..."
"how did he reach you?" I asked cutting him off....he started to tell me about what happened earlier as I felt my blood boil hearing his words so hyunjin used my weakness and tricked Felix...that bastard.
At the exact moment the door of the room was opened revealing the taller he was wearing a black suit, he came back directly from the conference.

"I will have to call you back" I said hanging up the phone before I threw it away.
"was that Felix?" hyunjin asked removing his jacket.
"you tricked him" I yelled glaring at him.
"and you forgot about my I told you will do anything to get you back" the taller said.
"Felix doesn't want you anymore...and I have never did" I said walking toward him before I pushed him into the wall.
He looked at me blankly without batting an eye.
"why?" he asked making me frozen.
"what do you mean why..."
"why are you refusing my feelings? " he cut me off, I was not prepared for thus question at all.

If I am being honest at some point before I found out about M thing I thought about giving him a chance for felix's sake...i wanted him to be happy, but for me...i had always hated hyunjin at first for no good reason....just because he took minho's house...minho's friends from him...i was immature and stupid at that time...i have never let myself feel anything toward the taller except hate...i did not stop once to care for his feelings, he didn't give me a reason to like him to...we found out about him being M before anything could happen between us... Then he lied about the fact that minho hyung is alive and disappeared....what made me distaste him more is that I thought he and minho ran together...i saw Felix cry over him...i see him suffer and now he is asking me why I can't accept his feelings...hell minho hyung hid his existence from me for years....and I still don't know why.

"because you are a are just a fake person..."
"I am...i am a liar...i confirm that I am, everything I did or I am doing is to protect all of you, my feelings are sincere ....i will die to keep you safe" he said pushing me back gently.
"no one had asked you to do your eyes hwang hyunjin...we don't want one does"I said pointing my finger at him...i saw his face fall immediately seeing his hurt expression made me kind of feel guilty but he had it coming.
"I thought the same too six years ago...i thought Felix and you are going to be happy together if I left you...but it didn't happen...."
"Felix was in love with you...we found out that minho is alive and then both of you wanted us to be happy..."

"I am back now..."
"for what to fix us" I yelled grabbing him by his collar" guess what hwang, none of us is flexible...we are beyond repairs...i was planning on leaving this damn country...i wanted to leave the only sane person among us safe but you ruined us" I added.
I grabbed my hands removing them from him but he didn't let go of me" so you are leaving that you were planning to leave Felix for the exact reason why I left her you are still blaming me" he said making my eyes widen.

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