Chapter 15

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Minho's pov
"Is he real?" soyeon said glancing between her father and me, tears covering her face as she reached hesitantly to touch mine.
I shut down my eyes feeling uncomfortable and the close space between us.
"oh, I am sorry" she said getting away" father told me about your memory loss...i...i can't believe you don't remember me...hoseok...i missed you so much....i thought I lost you"she added shaking her head she was shaking at this point...why do I feel bad for lying to her? She seemed like she was really in love with my brother...

"hoseok"ahn said nodding his head at me, the both of us had a talk before I met her...he said that the woman had been through a lot and she is sensitive...i have to do my best to make her feel better.jaehyun even suggested that we don't tell her about the memory loss but how was I suppose to act when I don't know anything about their life together...did she even love my brother? Did he love her back like they said? I don't know anything about that
"I apologize" I said giving her a small smile" It is true that i don't remember you but I am willing to...maybe having you next to me will help with that" I added cursing inside my head, I hate this...
"it is okay my beloved, all that matters is that you are back to me again...we will make new memories" soyeon said smiling widely at me before she looked at her father...her expression suddenly changed into a glare that made me shiver.

"I will never forgive you for hiding him from me for years now"she said to the old man who shook his head.
"Princess I thought it would be better if we try to get his memory..."
"leave" she cut the man who seemed taken back by her cold words.
"father I am pissed right now and you know how I get when I am mad I told you to leave" she yelled as I watched the interaction with wide eyes but soon I put on a poker face trying to gain attention from them....are you telling me that ahn jaehyun is being yelled at by his daughter while he is standing like little boy? The man who I saw kill people like they were nothing....

"I love you princess," he said kissing her forehead before he left the room, great we have a crazy woman and a mafia  father who is wrapped around her fingers, hoseok what did you get yourself into?
"baby" I jumped when soyeon talked I was so lost in my thoughts that I did not notice her being this close to me."sorry did I scare you?"she added.
"no, it is okay" I replied she hummed leaning in to kiss my cheek..
"I am sorry about your brother too...minho right"she said making my eyes widen...i mean it was all over the news but still...jaehyun had never say a word about this.
"yeah...i wish I had the chance to now him" I said clearing my throat.

"you disappeared right after you went to meet him, I thought you get hurt..."
"I went to me minho?" I yelled making her frown.
"you don't remember that too" she said.
"no, and the boss did not tell me anything" I said making her roll her eyes.
"Like how the hell are you going to remember if he did not tell you about your past" she said pulling me with her toward the bed before she took a seat...for six years I did not know anything about Hoseok's past...maybe she will tell me.
"could you tell me then? How was my life here? How did I get here? How did we start dating?" I asked...i am not really interested in finding out about the dating thing but it will make it seem like I care about her...

"well" she said rubbing my hand gently...I gave her the best fake smile I could master even though I hated every second of this." you told me that you found out about a boy who looked exactly like met him by chance so you started to look more and found out he is your decided to talk to him directly to find out about what happened...and how you parted with your family but since you left you never came back"she added.
"did I grow up here?" I asked making her hum.
"according to what father said he found you in one of the orphanages when you were a newborn....we grew up together confessed to me and we started to date, my father did not oppose too...he raised you and he wanted a trustworthy person to help me run the mafia after him"she explained.

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