Chapter 6

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Hyunjin's pov
I was scanning the contract that was on the top of the table in front of me...jisung signed it without reading the terms I am sure of that, tony could have used this against him...he literally signed his life to him...he could turn this contract to anything and by that have the upper hand to control the younger.
"you were staring at it for a while now...aren't you going to burn it?" chan asked making me glance at him, he came here with changbin hyung to give the paper to me.

"no" I answered shaking my head.
"what do you mean no? It has han's signature..."
"exactly" I cut changbin hyung off making chan hyung frown.
"hyunjin don't tell me you are going to use it against jisung"the older said.
"well...not exactly " I murmured.
"what are you thinking about?" changbin hyung asked looking confused.
"it is clear that I am going to enter their life again right"I said making the two nod" jisung hates me...and he won't let me get closer to him or Felix...even though they broke up I know he won't" I added.

"so" chan said with a raised eyebrow.
"so I need to find a way to stay close to them" I bite my lips staring at the contract...when I said tony could have turned this to anything...i mean anything "I am going to turn this into a marriage contract I am going to marry jisung" I added making changbin hyung choke on the water he was drinking while chan hyung looked at me like I had grown a second head.
"you are joking right?" chan hyung asked making me shake my head.
"han will kill you if you do even though you married him what is stopping him from refusing it or filing for divorce...hell are you going to lock him in inside your house?" changbin hyung said.

"according to the contract he signed he can't...if I turn this into a marriage contract han jisung won't be able to divorce me...leave the country without me or refuse anything I say" I explained.
"is these types of contracts even legal?"chan asked confused( in the story they are 😂)
"since it has his signature it is legit...he can't do anything against it..."
"this is forcing hwang" chan hyung said looking displeased.
"it is my way to keep him safe and under my eyes...he lost everything he own...i am sure like hell he is not going to ask for help from his family or  Felix...especially knowing that he signed this contract..." I paused glancing between the two" I am sure like hell han jisung is going to run out of the country "I added making their eyes widen.

"how are you sure of this?", changbin hyung asked as I got up from my chair heading to the the safe to hid the contract.
"because I know how he thinks...i watched him for six years now not counting the months I spend stalking him when I thought he hurt minho hyung...i can read him like an open this moment jisung is feeling guilty...he is the type of person to run away when he hits a dead end...he is stuck now...he does not want his loved ones to suffer more...he thinks that tony controls him...he is only option is to leave" I explained.
"jisung is going to kill you" changbin hyung said while chan stayed silent.

"hyung" I said looking at the older.
"hyunjin, I don't agree on this...what makes you and different from that man are abusing your are forcing jisung into something he doesn't want" the oldest one said making me nod.
"the conference is in three that time Felix and jisung are going to know where I three days I will have to face them...and explain why I lied...why i left...jisung is unpredictable I don't know what he is going to do when he sees me again...this is a way to keep him under control" I said.
"well how about use the contract to threaten him or something...why marry him?" changbin hyung said.
"he knows I won't do anything to hurt him" I answered" and I want him back...i want them back...i regret leaving this is a way to get me closer to what I want" I added.

"this is a way to get you closer to your grave my friend... because han is going to burry you alive" changbin said chuckling.
"I will do anything to get closer to them again." I said humming.
"so signing the deal with lee corps was your way to get close to Felix" chan said making me nod.
"well they made it easier for me" I replied making the older sighed.
"hyunjin you see going to mess this up" chan hyung said crossing his hands above his chest.
"our life is already a mess hyung" I said staring through the window" Maybe I will need to make a bigger mess to make things right" I added.
"I hope you are making the right decision" he said shaking his head.

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