Chapter 5

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Hyunjin's pov
"so you are telling me that lee corp had requested a meeting with us to discuss a potential joint work?" I asked looking between my two hyung's
"yes" chan hyung replied.
"when it comes to the boys, it is like his brain stops functioning...we told you that for the hundred of time hyunjin" changbin hyung said rolling his eyes.
"what are you going to do?"chan asked.
"if Felix finds out that I am the CEO of Shin Corps he will change his mind"I answered making him nod.

"if you want to work together maybe you should sign the deal before the conference" changbin pointed.
"well, it is a good opportunity to get close to him work together " I said walking toward  the window staring at the sky with my hands crossed behind my back, if regretted something it is the decision i made by leaving the two boys thinking that they will be happy without me, everyone keeps on reminding me of that...but I know that I made a mistake...
"tell them to send to the proposal and I will sign it"I added making the two nod.
"will do" chan said before his phone started to ring.

"hyunjin they found tony" he said making my head snapped toward him.
"we are leaving now" I replied walking outside my office and heading immediately to the car as the two oldest followed after me.
"I swear I feel like I am a mafia member who just found a person who had been looking for" changbin hyung said driving the car as chan hyung gave him the address.
"hyunjin as you promised you are going to talk to him that's it" chan hyung said pointing his finger at me, I nodded my head waiting for us to reach our destination.

" a warehouse hyung...really....did you lost your mind?" changbin said as he stopped the car, I didn't pay attention to the two I fixed my mask before I jumped out of the vehicle and ran inside to be met with our the middle of the room there was a man handcuffed to a chair...well this is really feels like it is a mafia business.
"who are you?" the man who I presume is tony yelled glaring at me" you took and killed my men what do you want from me?" he added making me look at chan.
"it was not us" he shook his head.

"I have one question for you"I said getting closer "what do you want from han jisung?" I added making his eyes widen.
"han this about that bit..."
I throw a punch toward his face making him stop.
"jin" chan yelled making me glare at him.
"say another word about him and I will make you wish that you had never been born " I said clenching my jaw.
"you are just a coward...all of you are...hiding behind face masks threatening me" he yelled trying to break free.

"you owe him money right" I said making him frown" I will pay 3 times the amount...but if you ever get close to him you are dead"I added.
"well that is going to be hard since he signed the contract " he said wearing an ugly smirk....a contract...what contract?
He chuckled seeing my confused expression "since he did not have money to pay me back, he signed a contract...i own him, he gave up his freedom to me...i can ask him to do anything for me." he added making my eyes widen...jisung did what?
I was about to grab the man by his collar but I stopped when talked again" stop...since you are offering me money, I can sell you the contract how about that? "He asked I glanced at my two friends who looked as confused and lost as I am.

"how much do you want?" I asked looking back at the man...i swear to god I want to beat him up so bad...i am barely containing myself at the moment.
" are going to buy it...i mean is han jisung someone you care about or..."
"name your price before I take the contract from you with force stop testing me" I yelled making him laugh.
"hmmm, let me think...",he paused " 10 million"he added.
"sure" I replied" now where is it?" I added.
"dollars not won..."
"I know, remove his cuffs" I cut tony looking at my men who did as I asked.

"damn you are really rich...i should have chosen a higher..."
The man froze when I snatched the gun out of my bodyguard's waist pointing it at him" you had your the contract or I am going to kill you"I said clenching my jaw.
"I hid it in a safe...and I want my money first" he replied making me chuckle.
"nice men are going with you...when they confirm that they have it I will send you the money...."
"what if you are lying"he cut me off" why should believe you" he argued.
"because you have no other choice" I answered walking out of the warehouse with chan and changbin hyung behind me.

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