Chapter 35

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Felix's pov
"he is going to be fine Felix hyung" jeongin said rubbing my back.
"is he?" I asked staring at him... Jisung was sitting next to me without saying a word...all of us were waiting as hyunjin had been taken to surgery...eveyone is here except minho hyung...i called him two hours ago...and still he umis not here.
"of course..."
"for how long we are going to keep on doing this jeongin...tell me how many times each and every single one of us had been hospitalized the past seven years" I cut the younger off who seemed surprised by my outburst.

"lix calm down..."
"I am always calm hyung...and I am sick of that...i just...i just want to yell and scream....i just....i just want to...." I stopped shaking my head" hyunjin is yet again fighting for his life....and minho hyung...god knows where is he?why is this happening to us.. Like what the hell did we do to deserve this" I added.
I felt a soft touch as jisung locked our hands together.
"chan what happened?" Mr and Mrs hwang came running down the hall, yeji and Mrs shin alongside hyunjin's uncle and chan't brother were right behind them.
"I...the boys had been into a car accident" chan hyung said.
"what are you okay?" Mrs hwang asked.
Jisung did not say a word" we are" I answered for both of us...the doctors cleared us out...but unfortunately hyunjin hit his head in the crash which caused internal bleeding...

He stayed composed the whole time because of the adrenaline...he...he tried his best to keep us safe that he did not even realize that he was hurt...tears fell down my cheeks.
Seungmin alongside chan hyung took hyunjin's family to probably tell them about everything...starting with M...there is not point in hiding it anymore...and judging by their expressions I was right.
"that cursed man caused this...i had enough of this...i won't allow him to be with my grandson" Mrs shin said" where the hell is he? He is trying to act like he is dead..."she added, she is talking about minho hyung.
"mother calm down..."

"we all watched for years as your son kept on wasting his time and energy on them...look what they brought he...he could die....your son could die....for what...a criminal and a failure"she said looking at jisung...what shocks me now is the fact that they know about minho hyung? Hyunjin never told us...well we never asked
"Mrs shin kindly watch your words..."
"or what Mr are just like hyunjin...can't you see how they are destroying your lives?"she cut me off." you and my grandson are going to get divorced you are going to stay the hell away from him" he added pointing her finger at jisung.
"that's not your damn decision to make" I yelled taking all of them off guard...all of them were shocked...but I was too angry to care "this is our life...we decide what to do...with do all respect stay out of it"I added jumping from my chair

"your grandson is fighting for his life inside as you said yet you are here busy trying to blame us"I cut changbin hyung off.
"you caused it.."
"yes we did thanks for reminding us" I cut her off.
"boy who the hell..."
"mother enough" hyunjin's uncle said.
"come with me"he said again taking her with him.
"Mr and Mrs hwang...i am sorry for everything...we only caused pain and suffering for you son...but I am ready to give up on my soul then give up on him...and I am sure I am speaking on behalf of jisung and minho hyung too" I said making the two's eyes turn wide.

I sit down next to jisung again who immediately leaned his head on my shoulder.
"I am sorry" I said making him shake his head.
"I am sorry too"he murmured...who to blame in this...i have no idea...but I am sure like hell that no matter what happens they are not going to separate anymore...i won't allow that....
I glanced up toward chan hyung who was talking with seungmin...his face was paler then usual.
"what is it?", I asked.
"what?" he said looking at me.
"what happened now?" I said making all eyes fell on chan hyung.
"it is nothing..."

"the serpents and darkstone are officially at war...Kim attacked Ahn's is bad...all forces headed there" seungmin said.
"what did you want to hide that from them?" he cut him off.
"minho hyung" I whispered looking at han" did you call minho hyung?" I added glancing back at the others.
"we tried...we couldn't reach did Mr yun" seungmin replied earning a glare from chan...what the hell now?
A chuckle filled the whole place making all of us freeze.
"god...this must be a joke...okay... is there a hidden camera somewhere...i get it...this is not funny anymore" he said laughing hard.
"and he lost it" jeongin murmured making me glare at him."sorry"he added

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