Chapter 13

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Han's pov
For years we were living like shit....all of us had suffered a lot...hearing hyunjin's story made me fell even worse...felix loves him I know he does....well I am legally married to hyunjin, my whole life is a mess...i am going to just let my guard down and give this a chance...maybe we will find out happiness if I did...maybe learning how to love Hyunjin won't be that  bad...forgetting about my hate for him he is a good person...sure he is complicated but so all of us.

At this moment I have nothing to lose , if felix wants him back I will be okay with this....i am sick and tired of being the one who ruins things...i had my chance with felix and and messed it  up...maybe with hyunjin in the picture it is going to be better this time....i took a deep breath staring at the picture on my phone...Minho love for you will always remain...not matter how angry I am at you I can't hate you...i know hyunjin is not going to give up on you...maybe he will get you back too...
The door was opened making me look toward it.
"felix"I whispered.
"hyunjin left, you can stay here tonight"he said walking closer.
"What did you decide?" I asked.

"I told him to give me time" he said looking down " is it wrong that I want him back?" he added glancing back at me.
"you love him" I replied, I understand I feel the same toward minho hyung.
"but it is lied....he left...he played with us"he said walking around the room.
"love makes us do stupid things...i mean look at me, I am successfully ruining my life and the lives' of my loved ones "I said making him stop before he made his way toward me.
"jisungie, I know I have been hard on you but you are hurting...i chose to shut myself out to try and forget about them but you didn't...i envy you to be honest"he said making me frown.

"what? Why..."
"because you are stronger than me, you are still holding up to minho hyung...i couldn't do it....i gave up...on him and hyunjin..."he cut me off shaking my head.
" well it is a minho's thing....but in reality I am a coward, I ran when it gets too hard" I said taking a deep breath "don't get angry but if hyunjin didn't use the contract to keep me here I was going to leave" I added making his eyes widen.
"what? without telling me..." he said panicking" and how is hyunjin keeping you with the is a marriage...what the hell is its deal" he added

"well" I bite my lips before I started to tell him everything that happened between tony and i, and about how did hyunjin got his hands on the contract with details.
"I am going to beat you up, are you stupid?"he yelled hitting my shoulder.
"I didn't want you to look at me like that" I yelled back.
"like you have lost your mind..."
"like I am a I am a disappointment maybe that's why minho hyung left me...becasue I am just a why do you love me? Why the hell someone like hyunjin fell for me?"I yelled back making him freeze.
"hanie, why do you think like this about yourself?" felix asked sitting next to me.

"because it is true, minho hyung is god knows where and I am sure that he moved in with his life have a stable work life at least you are leading a huge firm and so does are perfect...what did I do the past years expect causing problems to my family" I said tears streaming down my face, I think what happened to mina what a wake-up call to me...i almost lost what if something happened to here to the could I have lived after that?
"we are not perfect too baby" felix cut my thoughts off as he whipped my cheeks gently."I told you I dealt with everything the wrong way for years, minho hyung....i am sure wherever he is he is messing you....maybe us...for hyunjin"he stopped shaking his head"the man went too far that he married you without your approval do you think a perfectly stable person would do that....well honestly I can't blame gave him a hard time "he added making me chuckle.

"he is hot-headed...isn't he?" I said making him nod.
"his feelings toward you are know that" he said making me hum" are you really going to give him a doesn't seem like you...and it was made out of nowhere...did you perhaps hit your head" he added making me push him away playfully.
"don't make me change my mind" I replied rolling my eyes.
"no, like seriously if you are doing this for me don't...i don't want you to force yourself to anything...i know that hyunjin used the contract to keep you here but I am sure like hell that he won't make you do anything against your will" felix said looking serious.
"I am doing it for you..."

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