Chapter 12

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Hyunjin's pov
I stood shocked looking at the text, M...are you kidding me right now?
"Hwang I swear to god if you are behind this I will make you wish that you had never been born" han yelled cutting my thoughts I glanced up at the younger to see jisung glaring at me while felix looked lost.
"it is not me" I replied shaking my head.
"then who?" Felix said with a raised eyebrow.
" a lot of people know about M felix, the police out families...our friends" I listed.

"no one of them will do that..."
"neither will I" I yelled.
"you did it before..."
"I did it for a reason...i did it because I thought one of you hurt minho hyung and I don't regret doing it"I said drying my face.
" what about minchul and changmin" felix suddenly said he had a point...but I don't think that is true the two left together years ago, to the US it was not shocking at all...i knew there was something going on between them.
"it is not them" I answered.
"how are you so sure of this..."

"it is not the right time to fight...someone is clearly trying to mess up with us and it is not me" I cut him off taking a deep breath, where did this come from now? Like this is all we needed... everything is chaos at the moment.
"we need to meet with the boys" I announced taking my phone" tell seungmin and jeongin I will tell the others" I added looking at Felix.
"what are you trying to do..."
"we need to talk" I cut han off
I am confident that chan and changbin hyung are not behind this and seungmin too....but... Jeongin.

I took a deep breath calling chan hyung to come alongside his boyfriend...this is seungmin and changbin first meeting after six years let's hope it does not turn into a mess.
Han, felix and seungmin don't know about the fact that jeongin is minho's brother...he hid that from them, the youngest was hurt confused after mini left without telling him...i watched from afar at first I thought he was faking it...the older trusted him of course he won't cut him out of his life but I was wrong...minho really left everyone behind him.
"they are on their way know that this is the first time we get them all in the same place..."

"they have to face it felix...chan and changbin hyung are dating now...and I know the younger two have something going on between them" I said making them freeze
"chan and changbin hyung?" han said confused.
"and how did you know about jeongin and seungmin?" felix said with a frown.
"do you really need an answer for that..."
"so you were watching us all from afar like a damn creep" he yelled looking a hell of pissed.
"I was making sure you are safe" I answered.
"and what about us? Me? Didn't you think I want to know that you are safe and sound"he said making my eyes widen, this is the first time since we met that I saw him show any emotions toward me...

"I am sorry....i can't apologize enough for that...i was wrong" I answered swallowing hard...that's what I can say...i made a choice that I regret....
"felix" jisung said making me glance up at the two boys.
"I am fine" felix said clearing his throat.
An awkward silence filled the room which was cut off by a loud ringing, felix threw me one last glance before he walked to open the door leaving me with jisung but none of us said a word.
"jeongin, you came faster than I thought...lix just called you" han said making look toward the entrance to see the youngest...i heard he tried to enter the company wanting to meet me but I did not talk to him.

"I was close by"jeongin said but he was staring right at me before he started to walk closer" I want to ask you one question do you know where is he?" he added looking right through my eyes.
"I don't" I answered he frowned but nodded.
"jeongin, for god's sake...could you tell me why the hell are you looking for minho hyung?" felix yelled" it is so obvious that you are hiding something" he added.
Jeongin was saved by the bell" this is not over" lix said before he went to open the door again.
"what are they doing here?" seungmin's loud voice echoed throughout the whole place making the three of us run toward the entrance.

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