December 12, 2023

7 0 0

tried the biengn myslef thing again

i yelled at that one friend again

she asked me what i thought of her felt

and i said it was ok

and she was like "why do you sound so depressed" 

excuse me if my voice just sounds like that

Kid: *says something about some kid's  training toilet*

Me: What the hell

Kid: He uses a training toilet

Me: Good for him I didnt ask

Kid: [Science teacher] has skibidi rizz, yo!

bro who needs drugs when you can go to my school

im literally drunk on their stupid ideas rn

becoming boomer (idk what most things mean i had to ask my friends what "o7" and "ffs" meant and also "based")

i can beraly type lmaof

science we changed seats but Midnight still had to sit next to Freeloader 2

the science teacher yelled at me to put my book away but it was so aggressive like "[insert name]! put your book away now. if i see it again i'll take it"

like 1st of all she's not saying anything important

2nd of all im not even reading it, it's just open on the table in front of me and im still listening to her

lastly she said it like i had nearly stabbed someone's eye out with a fork like lady chill

anyway she was assigning roles for this stupid debate thing and 1 kid got oyster, another got crab, and That Kid got water

That Kid: YEAHHH!


anyway the oyster kid, crab kid, and That Kid were advocating for stricter fishing limits

Oyster kid: I'm an oyster, and I want stricter fishing limits, because yknow I don't want to die

Crab kid: I'm a crab and if the oyster dies I die

That Kid: I'm water and I want oysters because they can get up inside me and-

Science teacher: Let's keep this appropriate

That Kid: They clean me

Science teacher: Why don't we just say they keep you clean

then we got to ask questions

3-inch binder kid: You said you don't want stricter fishing limits. Do you care about the environment?

Kid: No.

Kid: Do you want our family to starve?

Science teacher:

in history i really wanted to yell at Freeloader 2 because she's so annoying and she was talking and kicking my chair repeatedly like girl actually stfu your yapping irritates me

i didnt though 

ok just saying but jumping out of the science classroom's window is probably possible

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