Chapter 17

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Anika's pov

Krish had blocked me because when I called him again, it straight up said that the person is busy.

I was back in my apartment and my tears wouldn't stop.

I called Yuvika and explained the whole thing to her. She came over and we went to her house together and even then I couldn't stop crying.

"Why?" I said "Why did it have to happen to me?"

She kept hugging me and didn't let go of me even once.

I switched off my phone. I don't wanna explain anything to my parents if they called. They'd think that i'm busy or something if I didn't pick the call.

So there I was. At Yuvika's house. It was already 10 pm and my eyes started to feel heavy. Maybe because of all the crying that I did today.

"You wanna sleep?" She asked me and I nodded. "Okay. There are some snacks in the drawer if you get hungry" She said softly and switched off the light.

She closed the door on her way out.

Krish pov

I called Anika once again at 11 but she still didn't pick up. It kept saying that her phone's off. Please let her be safe.

I went straight to her house when Sahil told me everything but either she didn't respond or she wasn't there.

I asked Kartik to trace her sim and it showed her friend's location. She was at Yuvika's house. I wasn't trying to be invasive but I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

I wanna hit myself so hard for acting so irrationally. I should've listened to her but what did i do? I almost called the pilot and wanted to go away as soon as possible.

I couldn't sleep the whole night.

Ishan has been crashing at my apartment for a few days now. He said he wants to stay with me for a few days and I let him.

"You should sleep" I heard him come in the kitchen at around 3 am.

I was sitting at the dining table with my phone in my hand. I didn't realise I had been staring at a picture of her in my phone when Ishan came in here.

"You should sleep" I told him "It's 3:17"

"Krish c'mon. We can go talk to her tomorrow. But you seriously need to sleep. You didn't sleep yesterday either"

My eyes hurt badly but I couldn't sleep. Not like this, not when I know my Anika was mad at me.

Why won't she pick up my call.

I hate myself.

"Krish" I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine" I told him.

I put my head down and closed my eyes on the table. I didn't mean to sleep but tiredness washed over me instantly.

My eyes opened at 7 in the morning and my neck cramped from the weird sleeping position.

I saw Ishan passed out on the couch. Why isn't he in his room?

I stood up and put a blanket on him as he peacefully slept. I brushed my teeth and took a shower and put on my coat. I'll go to work.

The morning breeze felt fresh when I got out of the building. I got in my car and looked at my phone one last time before driving to the office.

There were a lot of messages on WhatsApp, email and iMessage but not a single one from her, neither has she called me back

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