Chapter 48

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second update later today;


"We're calling off the wedding" I told maa. I couldn't even speak it out loud because every word was like an arrow to my heart.

My throat keeps tightening up and the tears threaten to fall everytime I open my mouth.

"WHAT?" She said in a loud voice "Why?! Did he do something?"

I shook my head, unable to speak "It's a mutual decision, we just aren't right for each other"

Dad walked in from the kitchen, in an apron.
"What's going on?" He asked and looked at mom and me.

"Anika and Krish are calling off the wedding" She told him while I looked at the ground.

"What? Why?" He said, with the same expression as mom.

I forced myself to look up "We just aren't right for each other"

"Beta if you guys had a fight then wait a few days, don't take decisions just because you're both angry and mad at each other"

"Mom" I said, "We have been talking about it for a few weeks now and we have decided to not get married. We'll not be happy with each other and our lives would be miserable"

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Dad asked

I blinked away the tears that were forming pools in my eyes "I'm telling this to you now"

"Are you sure about this?" Mom asked and kept a hand on my shoulder.

"Yes" I said firmly. "I need to get some work done, I'll see you at dinner"

2 Months later:

"But he is such a nice guy" Mom said "And his family is really nice as well. You'd be happy"

"I told you, mom. I don't want to get married. I don't need all this drama in my life, there's enough of it already"

I was packing my bags for a business trip. I opened the drawers and kept essential items in the suitcase.

I walked back and forth.

"How long are you going to push this all away? Do you need time? We'll give you that"

"I don't need time" I said sharply and immediately regretted my actions.

She just wants what's good for me. And I shouldn't be using this harsh tone with her.

"Anika you need to understand, we won't always be here. Your father and I are getting old. Tanmay will get older and he'll get married, have kids. Yuvika is married and she's going to have children. They'll get busy with their families and you'll be alone"

I just simply looked at her.

"I don't want you to be alone, Anika. I know you'll say you don't need a man and marriage isn't about needing a man, it's about having a partner for life. Someone you can rely on, talk to, start a family with and be with for the rest of your life"

I lowered my eyes and bit my lower lip.

I know she's right. And I know i'm still not over him. Mostly because I don't want to get over him. It already seems like a dream.

Forgetting and moving on would mean leaving behind the most special and precious dream of mine.

But he's not coming back and I would've waited for him if he asked me to. But he just left my life like it meant nothing.

"What's his name?" I asked mom and she smiled.



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