Chapter 27

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When I reached home, even after my promise, I couldn't stop crying. I just wish I could've said no to him when he asked to meet.

He was pretty insistent on meeting and it could've been anywhere but a fancy restaurant.
I'm stupid enough to not assume the worst.

I drew the blinds and closed all the curtains before sitting on the couch with my knees pulled to my chest.
My tears flowed right back out after I kept wiping them and then I finally gave up.

My doorbell suddenly started ringing and I cannot deal with my neighbours asking for sugar or salt or literally anything at all.

I assumed if I didn't answer, they'd think no body's home and would go back.

But the doorbell didn't stop ringing and I annoyedly stood up and walked to the door.

I looked through the peep hole and saw Krish standing in his work suit with a bunch of flowers and a box.

"I don't wanna talk" I said a little loudly for him to hear through the door.

It's been a habit since childhood that whenever something happened with me, instead of telling it to someone, I would just bottle it up and give silent treatment to everyone for a little while til I got a little better.

"Anika? Are you home? Open the door" He said and knocked on the door.

"I cannot talk right now. Please just" I couldn't control when I started sobbing again "Please just go"

My back slid down against the door.

"Are you crying? Anika open the door PLEASE"

"I can't, Krish" I said while crying "Please just go"

"Open the door right now else I'll break it"

Knowing him, he'd actually do it. So, I opened the door and he stood there with a worried look on his face.

He immediately dropped the flowers and the box in his hands when he saw me.

His arms came forward to cup my cheeks but I stepped back and pushed his hands away.

"Bola tha na nahi karni baat" I raised my voice at him "Kyu zabardasti kar rahe ho?"

"Why are you crying? Did someone say something? Who made you upset. Just give me the name, Anika" He said and I pushed him by his chest a little.

"Don't show up for 2 weeks. Don't answer my texts. Don't call me and don't pick up when I call. Ab kyu aaye ho?"

His eyes softened.

"I'm really, really so fucking sorry but it was really important. I left the city for some important stuff"

"Good. Go back then. Why're you here?"

"I came here to meet you. Please just- just stop crying. It's hurting me to see you this way"

"No!" I said and pushed him again and again but he didn't move a centimetre. His arms came around me protectively and he pulled me closer to his chest.

I tried to fight it but gave in eventually and sobbed in his arms and realised that it wasn't his fault and it was wrong of me to talk that way to him.

"I can't believe he did this" I said into his arms.

He held my hand and walked me to the dining room. He made me sit on the chair while he brought cake in a dish and put it in front of me.

He made me eat it and brought me a glass of water. I didn't say anything for a few minutes and he was totally okay with me not speaking.

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