Chapter 42

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If my painting exam goes well tomorrow, i'll update two more chapters. keep me in ur prayers, pure saal book ni touch kri🙏

comment and vote ❄️ it motivates me to write further

Anika's pov:

My whole world came crashing down when he uttered the words and without replying, without looking back he turned around and left.

Leaving me alone.

He's joking right?

I wiped my tears and stood up straight. He's joking. I'll go talk to him in the morning. He's maybe kidding and he is planning a surprise for me.

Yes that's it!

I changed out of my clothes and crept up to my bed.

He's kidding he's kidding he's kidding. I reminded myself. I looked at his number before calling him, he's not going to pick up.

My eyes fluttered shut but I couldn't sleep.

He wouldn't do this to me. Nope. Not possible.

In the morning:

I looked at the time and it was 12 pm already. I got out of bed and dressed up quickly and drove to Krish's place.

I knew he has to be there.

I saw Ishan outside a few metres away, on a call. All suited up.
I'll talk to him later. I walked to the main gate and with a smile, I greeted the bodyguards who were standing at the gate.

But when I was about to step inside, they stopped me.
"You cannot go inside" One of the guards said.

"Why not?" My smile faltered.

"Mr Malhotra has asked us not to let anyone in" He said and I chuckled. How stupid of him. He doesn't know who I am. If he did, he'll let me go in.

"I'm his fiancé" I told him but his expression didn't change and neither did he let me go in.

"He has restricted your entry especially" He said.
"Stop lying!" I said "Let me go inside"

That's it. I've had enough. "If you don't let me go inside now, I'll make sure you two lose your job. Krish will not say no to me when I ask him to fire you"

The guards didn't say anything and it was just fuelling my anger more and more. I tried forcefully but they just pushed me and I stumbled on the street, almost falling.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I saw Ishan coming forward and it instantly relieved me. He'll ask them to let me go inside.

Ishan went forward and talked in to the guards, more like shouted at them.
He turned back and looked at me as he walked towards me.

"Ishan they're not letting me go inside, ask them to—" I stopped talking when I saw a sad expression on his face "What? What's going on?"

He sighed "Bhabhi I can't allow it"

I frowned. Not him too.
"What does that mean? See, listen. It's really important for me to go inside and talk to him. Do you even know what he said to me yesterday? He said he's calling off the wedding. He's kidding obviously, right? It's my birthday. He's planning a surprise, no?"

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