Chapter 46

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Anika's pov:

I was peacefully sleeping when suddenly I woke up with a startle and felt myself crying. My chest was heaving up and down and my hair was sweaty. I felt anxiety in my chest and fear in my body. I felt something bad happening. I knew something bad was happening.

I haven't cried in months and I have completely forgotten what it was like to feel tears but today when that one drop of tear left my eye, a whole army of them betrayed me.

When I started crying this time, I let myself cry properly.  I cried so much that it got hard to breath and my chest hurt so bad but I still couldn't stop.

It was both because of everything that happened and because of the terrible fear like something bad was happening. It was just anxiety, I told myself but I knew it wasn't true.

I drank some water and calmed myself down.

I went back to bed but couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning but nothing helped.
I looked up at the ceiling and suddenly I was reminded of the absence of him. Beside me.

I hadn't realised how much used I was to sleeping beside him. For months, I pushed away every thought I got of him but today no matter how hard I pushed, they just kept coming back.

My eyes remained opened and the tears fell from the side of my face.
How could it be that the one person you trusted and loved so much would betray you in the most hurtful way ever?

In the echoes of past, I'm haunted by the silence of missing him bearing wounds etched with the cruelty of our goodbye.

My life is a mess. I tried to not care, but I care a little too much. He was my everything and my world crumpled the day he left me.

Krish's pov:

"You think my brother would work with you?" Nyxen said in a deep, dark voice. "You're so easy to fool"

Jasper stood behind him with his hands on his sides and shuffling his feet, he seemed like he didn't know what he was doing.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight" Kartik said stepping forward, not failing to keep his cool composure "You want shares in our company? Fine. Have it"

"No" I said "He's not getting any shares or ownership" Kartik looked at me but his eyes didn't convey whatever it is he wanted to say.

"I don't need shares minion" Nyxen said "I want the whole company"

"And I want my peaceful life back, I guess we don't always get what we want now, do we, Nyxen?" I said.

I know i'm playing with fire. But i've had enough of his bullshit.

Now either he lives or I do.

"And then again" I continued "You killed the only people who cared about you. You aren't a toddler who's wishes will be fulfilled just because he throws a tantrum, just like you're throwing one"

He chuckled.

"Kill? I didn't kill anyone" He said with an innocent face "Jasper and I weren't here that night the tragedy occurred. Although it seems to me like you're trying to frame me for something of that sort. You're very predictable and readable Krish Malhotra"

"Malhotra" Jasper said suddenly from behind.

Everyone's attention shifted to the young man who was nervous every time but he seemed so confident as he spoke the words right now.

"Something you never got" Jasper continued "Instead you're now being a stain to the Mehra's as well. Actually wait, what Mehra's? The ones you killed or the only one that's left?"

Kartik laughed. and I was glad he could find humour in it but I couldn't.

"I knew there was something about him" He said.

Jasper just glanced at him once and there was a small hint of smile on his face before he turned back to his adoptive brother.

"They loved you" He said "They always tried to be great parents to you. But you HAD to kill them and for what? Because they're not your real parents? Your real parents gave you away. No offence. But the ones who took you in and treated you as their own....what was their fault? To adopt a child who needed a home?"

"So that was it is then?" Nyxen said "He blackmailed you? Or did he bribe you? You know very well I didn't kill our..p...parents"

"You can't even say the word" Jasper spat "You'll always be the unwanted Nyxen. Whether be it your family or your family's legacy. No one wants you. And I for a matter of fact have always hated you"

"My parents. My mom, my dad, you killed two innocents. You're a bastard. Murderer. Now you want to ruin other people's lives because you're too unhappy with yours. No problem, if I were you I'd be miserable too. But hey! Good thing I'm not you. No one would ever want to be you because Nyxen Mehra is a fuckin—"

His words caught up in his throat when we heard a bullet. My eyes widened.

He shot Jasper in the chest.

His body slumped back with a thud. His eyes closed and he lay there in the pool that was starting to form of his own blood.

"Anyone else wants to come forward?"

The police sirens were loud and clear as they approached us. We were surrounded by cops. So many of them.

In seconds they had Nyxen in handcuffs and against the car hood. He was fighting and resisting. Only to shoot again and the bullet striking a cops arm

     The cops talked on their walkie's and stating a felony of 'Shot a cop' There was a whole bunch of cops, trying to get a hold of Nyxen.

     I didn't care as I rushed towards Jasper and kneeled beside him. He was breathing, barely.

I shouted for someone to help him but he just shook his head and opened his eyes slowly.

"I'm sorry it took me too long" He said, his voice barely a whisper "I'll be with them now"

My eyes filled with tears as a smile appeared on his lips "You did it" He said and his eyes closed. I checked for a pulse but there was none.

"I am..." My voice began to tremble "I am so sorry"

I didn't know when Nyxen had pointed his gun towards me and shot.

I heard the bullet being shot and the next second there's immense pain in my chest.

It was getting harder and harder to breathe. My eyes rolled back into the back of my head as it hit the concrete floor under me.

The last thing I could remember is when the cops shot Nyxen and my vision blurred before completely blacking out.

I couldn't breathe.

It hurts.

All of this and even now we don't know if he's truly dead or was just shot. He might be still breathing.

He might still be breathing as my breaths were shortened.

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